Apocalypse Now

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     Niall couldn't believe what he heard. How dare Louis choose Zayn. We all know how fun, loving, and joyful Niall is, don't we? What else does Liam need! He would definitely rather live with someone that would take him to the pub, teach him how to flirt, allow him to eat tastily, and not give an f about school. Isn't that better than the Pain-in-the-ass Malik with all the read before bed, be good at school, eat healthily, and bedtime at 9:30. Niall is so much funnier and cooler. 

-I am sorry, ok? But I chose him cause I must be sure Li will be safe. And you are still uncle Ni, it's not like we are going to keep him in a tower and not let you see him. Nothing changed technically. It's just if something happens to me, Zayn will take him and fill my place. He is like his second father. But even then, you and Harry will not stop being his uncles.

-Not that I agree with you, but fine. Let's say you are dead and for some stupid reasons of yours, Zayn gets Liam. I hate that! But, whatever. What if Zayn dies too?-Niall continued with his deathly glare. 

-Ni, I don't think that it is realistic. I don't think that it is possible for both me and Zayn to die. We both seem healthy and we live in a city, not a forest. So, how realistic is that! 

     Niall huffed. It's not like he wanted both of his mates to die. But if Zayn was Louis' first choice without hesitation, then let's imagine he doesn't exist anymore. It may be not the best hypothesis, but at least, he would get the baby in that case. 

-The city got terrorized and you both are victims. Who gets the baby?

-Niallll. The city will not get terrorized.

-The World War 3rd started and you both heroically die in the battlefield. More like, Zayn heroically dies, and you just get yourself shot while playing with the gun.

-Even if World War 3rd ever gets real, there is no way on Earth I would leave Liam and go to the war.

Niall rolls his eyes. He just needs an answer.

-Aliens invade the Earth, they kill off everybody, every person, every animal, every freaking insect, and only me, Harry, and Li are alive. Where does Liam go?- Niall asked with a smirk. He literally left no chances to Louis. 


-WHAAAT? If you both die, Liam goes to Harry?

-I think he has fewer chances of forgetting Liam at school, dropping him, and may I add accidentally cutting his neck with a knife? Like certain somebody almost did with his dead father. 

-Who the hell has to die, for me to get Liam?! (Noticed the F.R.I.E.N.D.S. reference?)

-Umm - Lou's mother? -Louis answered as if he already planned everybody's death.

-LOU'S MOTHER??? How does even Liam get to Lou in the first place?!!!

-Well. It's me, Zayn, Harry, our families in the same order, your family, Paul, Simon, the 5SOS boys, my cousins, Zayn's cousins, then Lou, her mom, and of course you, Nialler. See, you still have a chance.

-So, you're saying, I lost everyone - you, my family, my friends, my relatives - and the only hope I have gets taken away from me! No, that's not going to happen! Kill whoever you want, but I get Liam after Zayn! 

    Without giving Louis a chance to talk, he walked over to Harry and took Liam from his arms. After making sure the baby is in a comfortable position, he stormed out of the kitchen and went to his room. 

     Harry, on the other hand, was still glaring at Louis. Zayn? Seriously, Zayn? The tough and cold Zayn, instead of the loving cupcake? He totally agrees that Niall is not capable of taking care of a child. He is adorable and everything, but he just likes cuddling Liam and playing with him, as if he is a fluffy toy. But Harry knows how to take care of the baby. Isn't he the obvious choice, when it comes to children? 

-Hazzaaa, stop mentally shooting me. You guys are being a little selfish, don't you think. Liam is a human being, not an object. I noticed how close he became with Zayn, Harry. I mean, he loves you and Niall too. But he feels safer with Zayn. Well, after me, obviously. Pleaaase, try to understand. It's not like I just woke up and thought "Hey, you know what would be great? If I preferred Zayn over Harry and Niall!" I really thought this through, and I just think that in that situation Liam would feel less devastated. Please, Harry, try to understand.

     Harry just rolled his eyes but didn't argue. Actually, he did understand what Louis was talking about. And it would be mature to think about Liam in the first place, instead of acting as childish as Niall did. So, he maturely enough left the room and decided to give Louis the silent treatment, until he would get some really good quality time with his nephew.

     Louis knew exactly what Harry was doing. Even though he hated the silent treatment, with the baby in the house, maybe that wouldn't be that bad. He turned to Zayn, who stayed quiet the whole time. He wasn't feeling guilty, but we wished his friends didn't react that badly.

     -And I thought that Liam would be difficult. Till now, he seems to be the calmest one in this house.- Louis said. How couldn't Harry and Niall see how unreasonable they were being. They tried to prove that they are the best parent figures by acting in the most childish ways. 

     Harry went to Niall's room to see the most adorable scene of the day. Niall was on the window stand, securely holding Liam by his sides, and making him stand on Niall's thighs so that he would reach Niall's face level. Niall was seriously talking to him about how oblivious his father is and how the Niam bond was stronger than both Ziam and Lirry together. He was telling Liam about his happy childhood and how he would make sure to make Liam's childhood even better than his own. He was telling him about how he could become more protective and responsible, just to prove Louis wrong. Liam was looking at Niall with his huge chocolate eyes as if he understood his uncle. He didn't, but he surely knew that Uncle Ni loved him and was saying good things. Harry just watched them with relief. Even if he still thought, he was the best choice, he was sure Liam just needed all four of them. The loving dad, the protective and strong godfather, the funny and playful Irishman, and the kind and soft Uncle Hazza. This doesn't mean that he had second thoughts about the silent treatment, though. He would have Louis practically begging to hear his voice again. 

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