I think he's knows that too because I always try to walk away when someone important calls but he keeps me in my seat. I try to preoccupy myself with something else but his voice is so raspy and sexy. Whew!

A knock on the door brought me out of my nasty thoughts. Chris stood on the other side with flowers in his hand. I bit down on my lip to hide the smile from coming through. I hurried and unlocked the door before someone spotted him. "Hey." I said.

"Hey." He stepped inside and I locked the door. "These are for you." He said passing over the beautiful bouquet.

"Aww thank you." I grabbed them from him and out of instinct, I grabbed his chin and kissed his lips. I could tell it took him by surprise too but his hands eventually held onto my waist. "It's been a while since I've gotten flowers." I told him while I took in the beautiful scent. This gave me butterflies.

"Get used to it....wanna show me around real quick?"

"Sure." I grabbed his hand. "So of course this will be the shopping area. I'm thinking black walls for the men side and a gray for the women. The dressing rooms will be in the back over there on each side. I'm going to have to knock those two walls down and push that back just to have enough space. The cashiers and everything will be right here. I'm thinking about a desk strictly for people that order online but want to pick up in stores. And then in the back." I led him to the back of the building. "It is huge back here so storing my inventory won't be an issue, thank god. That's why I really wanted this place, it's tons of space. I might put a bathroom in here, I don't know though cause bitches is sneaky and might use the bathroom as an opportunity to steal. And this room right here is my office." I opened the door. There was already a desk in there that I'd probably throw out. "So what do you think?" I asked while sitting on the desk.

"You picked a good spot, I can't wait to see what you do with the place."

"I'm ready to start decorating. I wish everything could be done in one day but I'll be patient." I shrugged.

"I bet once everything is all done, this place will be dope."

"I hope so."

"I know so." He buried his face in my neck, leaving light kisses. "I wish I could help you celebrate but my schedule has been hectic today."

"Don't sweat it, you stopped by and brought flowers. That's good enough."

"You should still celebrate this Mya. How about we link up tomorrow? Everybody meet up at Supper or 1Oak, and we turn up."

"I'm always down for a good time so I can't say no. Just call me when you guys are about to leave out."

"Or you can pull up to my crib and ride with me?"

"See I'm the type of person when I'm ready to go, I'm ready to go. I can't fool around with nobody and the longer I'm in a space that I don't want to be I become a bitch and nobody wants that."

He chuckled while walking back up to me, placing his hands on both sides of me. "It's your night, when you say you're ready to leave then I'm right behind you."


"I'm serious." His lips gently brushed against mine. "Whatever you want tomorrow you'll get it."

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