Chapter 4: Heartbreak

Start from the beginning

Yet, despite how their movements appeared to be so fluid and concentrated, one could see how taxing the ritual was. The strain was clearly evident on the bodies of Banti and Rasie, most especially Banti. She made no sounds of discomfort, but her body told a different story.

It was this exterior story that the twins scrutinized every now and again amidst them concentrating their efforts into offering up their own Amandla.

Despite how fatigued they felt, it didn't compare to the discomfort that Banti was experiencing judging by her pained facial expressions.

Mama's movements, they're usually so composed and calm. But her whole body is shaking right now. Genesia looked over to Rasie to see a similar thing.

As for Mpho...

Neosa saw all the discomfort on her face, making it plainly evident that she was having a very difficult time. She's sweating. A lot. And breathing heavily. It looks like she's gonna collapse!

As though sensing the same worry, Amoar's voice was projected over the entire land, with his shining lion headed staff roaring with intensity.

"That's it luna! The cracks are beginning to fade. It's working. It's working!" He bellowed.

And he was right. Like floating baskets, more Amandla was harnessed and distributed. The barrier became more and more stable like it was before, which boosted the morale of all the Racaans, as their chants and cheers became that much louder and that much more raucous. Everyone followed and listened to Amoar's words as he fueled their passion and sustained their efforts.

"We have survived everything this world has thrown at us time and time again, and I know we will continue to survive once more!"

"AMANDLA!" Everyone shouted back in elation.

"The day of reckoning may always come for us, but we Racaans will always be there to face it!"


"In fact, that very reckoning has come for us today, and yet here we stand!"


"We will not fade away into the night!"


"We will not let the darkness consume us!"


"For our Amandla is the light!"


"We Racaans are strong!"


"We are very strong!"


"Our God is strong! Our gods are strong! Our ancestors are strong!"


"This barrier represents how strong we are. Because no matter how many of those beasts dare to try and attack us. No matter how many other forces even try to take away our lives. We will never decay through life and death!"








Momentarily disrupting the raucous atmosphere was Genesia and Neosa, rushing over to support Banti as her long sprinting legs were on the verge of collapse. It would be more accurate to say that she would have fallen had they not rushed to her aid.

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