Imagine #21 Repeat After Me

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A/N: Imagine Neymar & Y/N speaking in Spanish

My company got a call from a customer I hadn't heard of before, but the man on the line requested one of the best English teachers we had. Taking into consideration I was the rightful owner and founder of this successful company I seemed the best option so I would know for sure this would go the right way. My employee told me the man was prepared to pay a fair amount of money. Let me rephrase that: a big amount of money. I had to deal with this perfectly, because this could definitely help my company grow and develop further. Therefore, I called the man back and asked for more specific information and some wishes he might have had. When the call ended my mind was exploding. The man on the phone was apparently from Neymar, the famous football player, his management. If this goes well my company could prosper even more, and it definitely is something that will put us on the map. In the next few days I prepared for the first meeting, and gathered all my necessary stuff. I went through my checklist and the customer's wishes one more time, and when the day eventually arrived I was more than ready.

I pulled up to the huge house and parked my car exactly where they said I could park it. I got out and walked up to the front door. I rang the bell and soon enough the door opened. I was actually a little bit shocked to see Neymar open the door himself. I was professional enough to hide the shock and excitement, however.

"Hey, you must be Y/N, the one to teach me perfect English. I'm Neymar, nice to meet you. Come on in." Neymar said in Spanish with a friendly smile and I shook his hand.

"Yes, that would be me! Let's hope I can get the job done. Nice to meet you too." I said when I entered his house. "Oh please, let me take these from you." He offered to take my bag with some teaching material from me. "No, no, it's fine, really." "No, I insist." "Thanks."

He took my stuff, and I followed him further into the house, "Do you want anything to drink or eat before we begin?" He asked me politely.

"A glass of water will do, thank you." We then walked into a beautiful kitchen, and he fetched me my drink after putting down the bag on the kitchen counter. "There you go, one water for the teacher." He smiled as he handed me the glass. I laughed as I took it from him, "Thanks. So, shall we get started then." I grabbed my bag again, and looked at Neymar waiting for him to tell me where to go. "Right, we can sit at the table in the living room. Follow me."

A month had passed by since our first meeting, and everything was going great. We met up three times a week, which was often considering his busy schedule. His progress was significant, and I felt a sense of pride. We had gotten fairly comfortable with each other as well.

Whenever I was teaching him something, I sometimes felt him gaze at me and not really paying attention to whatever I was saying, and I had to snap him out of his trance. It seemed logical at first, because our sessions lasted 2 hours each, which is a long time to stay focused. However, at times it gave me the feeling he was staring at me, which made me think things I'd rather not have on my mind. I was here only to teach him English, and nothing else mattered.

Today it was time for yet another session with him, and I was about to get into the shower when I received a message.

Hey Y/N, want to go out for lunch before we start today? Would like to get to know you better :)

It was Neymar. We had exchanged numbers just so he could keep me updated on his schedule, or if he might not have time for a session. At this point I was in conflict with myself. Should I eat lunch with him in public or should I decline. I thought about it for a while and came to the conclusion that it wouldn't hurt anyone. Above all, anything to keep my customer happy, right?

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