Imagine #19 Me? Scared? Never!

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"Neymar, I already told you I am not going to that movie. You know damn well I don't like horror movies." I complained.

"But it will be fun! I'll be there to protect you. I swear you will be fine. If it gets too creepy you can just close your eyes." He begged. I sighed, "I can't believe I'm about to say this... Fine. I'll go. But if I get nightmares it's all on you." "Yesss!" He cheered. I rolled my eyes and we walked to the car.

"What if you get scared. Are you sure you can handle horror movies?" I wondered.

"Me? Get scared? Never! I watch horror movies all the time, baby girl." He assured me. "I got you, always."

I was low-key dying on the inside. I could already feel my palms getting sweaty. However, I was ready to face my fears. Neymar noticed I was nervous, because he gripped my thigh and squeezed it reassuringly, and he kept his hand there for the rest of the ride.

We got out of the car and entered the cinema. "Two tickets for the movie 'Halloween' please." Neymar told the usher. He paid and we moved on to the snacks. 

"I am not sure if I will be able to eat anything during that movie." I confessed. Neymar frowned and turned towards me, "I will get you through this, amor." I scoffed, "You better."

He swung his arm around my shoulder and grabbed a popcorn along with two sodas. I offered to pay for the food and he let me. We then entered the room and sat down. I snuggled close to Neymar and the movie started.


"It wasn't that bad, right?" Neymar joked while starting the engine of the car.

"I could think of a million other things we could have done today. Look at my hands, idiot." I showed him my still shaky hands. "For fucks sake, Ney, that was the scariest thing ever. Never again. You owe me one, I did that just for you."

"You still love me though." "That's debatable for sure." My comment made him laugh out loud, but to me this wasn't all too funny. I hid my face in the crook of his neck throughout half of the movie. Better yet, I dropped the popcorn because of this blood-curdling movie. Neymar opened the door of our house and turned the lights on. 

"I'll be upstairs to change." I announced and walked towards our bedroom. I put my purse on the bed, and got out of my clothes and changed into some sweats and a sweater. I then continued my way to the bathroom, and started taking my make-up off. I closed my eyes and rinsed it with water. I opened my eyes again and I screamed louder than ever. I saw a huge ass spider on the mirror. I ran out of the bathroom and bumped into Neymar, who couldn't control his laughter and tears. 

"Fuck you, Neymar!"

He couldn't even properly answer, because he was too busy pissing his pants from laughing. I rolled my eyes, "Stop laughing, dickhead. Out of all things a spider?" I walked back into the bathroom and finished washing my face. Neymar joined and hugged me from behind.

"Happy Halloween, baby." He whispered with a huge smirk on his face. I turned around and wrapped my arms around his torso, "I am going to allow that lame joke just because you are too irresistible." He pressed his lips to mine, "I love you too, Y/N." He winked and I told him I was going to cook us something.

I walked back downstairs and entered the kitchen. All of a sudden the lights flickered which caused me to frown my brows. I heard someone walking down the stairs and soon Neymar appeared in the kitchen. "What is going on with the lights?" He asked me. "I was hoping you would tell me." Before we knew it the lights switched off and all went black. "Fuck!" I screamed. "Neymar, where are you?" I could hear some footsteps around the house and I was sure those weren't Ney's. 

"Stop!" I heard Neymar's voice from not far away, but it sounded muffled. I pulled out my phone and turned on my flashlight.

"What do you want? Money? I can give it to you!" He continued screaming. I walked to where all the noise was coming from. I found Neymar in the living room on the couch surrounded by multiple guys with masks on. He looked terrified, "Y/N, please go away. I'll deal with them!" The poor guy was almost crying. 

"Guys, you can stop the act now." I went to turn on the lights and the guys removed their masks to reveal themselves. Neymar breathed a sigh of relief and it took him only seconds to realize what just happened. I walked over to him and joined him on the sofa. "Happy Halloween, Ney!"

He looked at his friends surrounding us with now pure anger in his eyes, while they were pissing their pants from laughing too hard. I had to stifle my laugh as well, but I did feel bad for him. He looked petrified! "You guys are so dead! I'm done with you!" He swore at his friends, then he turned towards me, "And you... You are going to get punished. Just wait and see!" I just laughed at him, "I thought you said you never got scared." 

His friends all hollered and started whistling, "Y/N is gonna get it tonight!" 

I rolled my eyes and slightly blushed. I then told his friends they could go home and thanked them for their cooperation. 

"I can't believe you pulled that off so well." Neymar praised, lazily lying on the couch.

I shrugged my shoulders, "I had to get you back somehow. You made me watch that terrible movie!" I climbed on top of him and hugged him tightly. He looked down at me, "You are so in trouble, baby girl." A smirk played on my lips, "I think I should do this more often then."

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