Imagine #8 Who is he? -Part 3

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"I'll be there in 15." He said through the phone.

"Alright, see you." I replied and hung up.

Neymar was coming over to my hotel room so we could go sightseeing together. This was the second time we were meeting up. The first time we had dinner together at a local restaurant. We had a great time to say the least. My friends were happy for me and since they already went sightseeing this was perfect. 

It was 8 in the morning and I literally just got out of bed. Ney texted me yesterday saying we should go early in the morning, because it would be less crowded and I did set my alarm, but I just love my sleep. His phone call woke me up again and now I needed to hurry because I have 15 minutes only.

I started looking through my suitcase and put together a simple outfit; a white dress, with some lace here and there, perfectly complementing my tan skin, and some accessories. I paired it with my favorite sandals. Content with the way it looked I walked towards the bathroom and then heard my ringtone. I mentally groaned and tried to find my phone.

"Hi?" I said not looking at the caller ID.

"Listen, which hotel are you staying at again?" Neymar asked me.

"Renaissance São Paulo Hotel." I answered.

"Oh... Then I'll be there in 5 minutes."

"Are you kidding me? I haven't even showered yet!"

"It's fine, take your time." He chuckled, "Oh and before I forget; What is your room number?"

"214. Tchau." I smiled at what I said, I had already picked up the language.

"Impressive." He whistled and then hung up.

I laughed at the sound he made and quickly stepped into the bathroom. I got out my waterproof speaker and connected it to my phone. But before I was able to play my music I heard a knock on my door. I raised one eyebrow. I was already in my towel. I looked through the peep hole and shook my head as I saw who it was.

"You must drive fast. Those were two minutes, mister." I told him trying to look annoyed, but his eyes told me he wasn't paying attention to anything I said. They were scanning my body. How typical.

"Really Neymar?" He still wasn't answering.

"Earth to Neymar?" I snapped my fingers in front of his face.

"You're such a teenager." I laughed whilst walking away from him.

"I can't help it, it's a boy's thing." He grinned and walked inside, closing the door behind him.

"I'm sure it is. But since you are like 10 minutes early, you will have to wait. Make yourself at home. I'll be in the shower." I quickly ran into the bathroom finally able to take my shower.

I played my music at a quite high volume, as always, and began to sing along, without a single care in the world.

I stepped under the shower and continued to sing,

"I seen your girl post her BM,
So I hit her in the DM,
All eyes, yeah I see 'em,
Yeah, that's your man, I'd hate to be him,
It goes down in the DM"

I got out of the shower a couple of minutes later and heard the familiar tune of Naughty Girl by Beyoncé. I shamelessly sang along, forgetting Neymar was on the other side of the door. My english was pretty good, considering I've been speaking it since my childhood. However my singing wasn't that good, but not bad either. I would say do-able. I stopped singing and looked around the bathroom for my clothes. I sighed and silently cursed. I wrapped my towel tighter around myself. I slightly opened the door and peeked my head outside.

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