Imagine #3 The best Christmas

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*Y/N's POV*

Christmas was coming up and I needed to buy everyone some presents. So I left the house and went off to the mall. Once I was there I was slowly walking and thinking of the perfect gift for my family and friends.

For my mom I thought about some things from Lush so therefore I went to the shop and bought some cute little things, like soaps, bath bombs and body butter. Next was my little sister, this one was easy. She was 16, so maybe a nice dress and jewelry. She'd absolutely love that. I spotted the Forever 21 and searched for some nice things. I eventually bought her a pretty dress with some accessories to go with. Now my dad, this one is hard, so I decided to go eat something first and think about the rest of the presents I needed to buy.

I walked over to a sushi restaurant and ordered myself some California Maki's. Meanwhile I was wondering what to buy for my dad, best friend and of course my boyfriend, Neymar. Then it occurred to me, I'd just buy my dad a perfume and a pair of socks, because what else should I buy him? He never really wants anything, so I think this will do. Now for my best friend, Nicki, I want something original and thoughtful. Maybe a bracelet with our names carved in it. I thought of the idea, and loved it, I was going to get 2 of them so we'd both have one. And last but not least Neymar. He told me he wanted nothing expensive and stuff like that, but me being myself ignored him. It wouldn't be that expensive though, just something reasonable, he really deserved it. That wouldn't be my only gift for him, I wanted to buy him something funny. So basically an ugly Christmas sweater and as for the expensive gift a Swarovski necklace, because I know he likes them with some bling.

After I sorted all of that out, I paid for my food and went back to shopping. First my dad and his perfume. I bought him a Calvin Klein one, that I thought smelled nice. Next were the socks and Neymar's ugly sweater. I entered a Christmas store and looked for a pair of funny Christmas socks, once I found them I moved on to the ugly sweater. After a couple of minutes passing by I absolutely found the perfect one. It was like this 3D sweater with a reindeer on the front and back and it made no sense. When I walked towards the cashier I also saw some sunglasses and I decided to buy Neymar one. I paid for my things and moved on to Swarovski. I asked a shop assisent to help me with the special bracelets. Once I got that done, she helped me to search for a necklace and I ended up buying a cross with some diamond on it. It would really suit him. When I was finally done I went home again and dropped all the presents in my room. I had already bought gifts for Ney's family when we were shopping together, so that was already taken care of.

I messaged Ney and said I was coming over, he simply answered me he was already waiting.

In 15 minutes I was there and rang the doorbell, just seconds later he opened the door.

"Finally!" He said

I laughed and gave him a kiss. I hung up my coat and kicked off my shoes. I scanned his outfit as he was already walking to the living room. He looked so cute in his sweater with his natural curly hair. He sat down on his couch and patted the seat next to him.

I sat down next to him and asked what he did today.

"Nothing much, just training and chilling," He answered, "How about you? You seem tired." He stated, wrapping his arms around me.

"Well, I went Christmas shopping and that is tiring." I laughed as I hugged him and snuggled my head in the crook of his neck.

"Really?! What did you buy me?"

"You know I can't tell you." I smirked

"It better not be anything expensive!" He said seriously.

"I can't promise you." I winked

He whined like a baby and I told him to just let it go. I laid my head on his lap, my eyes facing his stomach, as he stroke my hair.

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