Puro's true power

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[AN: Well ok.. I kept thinking on how cool this fanfic would be if it became an animated series. But I cannot draw, nor animate. Seriously bro, look at the cover. That's my attempt on digital drawing. But ye, it's ok. Just a thought.

Holy shit I got a lot of snow, sorry for being gone for so long. I'm always on Discord if anyone needs me.]


I awoke, my love was in my arms, snuggling warmly with a cup of tea. He looked a little better than before.

The last thing I remembered was falling through the deep snow into a cave of some sorts and a shadowy figure approaching me. By not knowing where I am, yet, seeing my love in tact, they meant no harm, but I'm still afraid for my life.

Lin noticed my apprehension, and stroked my face, right under my masque.

"We're safe, don't worry. He gave me some tea to help with this illness."

"Hey." The protogen entered the room. A grayish violet dragon-like creature with a screen for his face.

One of the scientists drew a sketch of a Protogen for me when I was a puppy. The scientists knew of my artistic abilities, but after the riot, they were gone. I've always wondered what a Protogen was, since I was a cub, and where that nice scientist has gone.

And I figured, I could ask him.


I saw the curiosity on his face when Foxy entered. I was too weak to get up, and out of Puro's way. Puro held me.

His face suddenly grew into a rage. A teal aura surrounded him, as it pushed me to the ground. Within a flash he was gone.

What was there after his sudden, and unknown departure was a cold silence. Robo-dragon's face was in upmost shock, like how I felt inside, yet, his face showed a distant feeling of sadness, almost like he knows more, or has seen this before.

I wonder if he knows Sauci?

Foxy turned his head and muttered something under his breath, then walked to the other room.

I laid there, alone on the cold metal floor, only under a small, makeshift blanket, and in only my shorts, that I've been using as underwear. My stomach started to cramp before a thought of my love could even surface. I began to salivate, as the pain grew worse.

I heard Fox's heavy footsteps clunk onto the metal floor. I began to feel like my soul was being forced out of me as I regurgitated.

"Lin! LIN!" I felt a hand touch my naked back. I was hyperventilating, as I almost collapsed.

"I.." his voice shook in fear.

"I.. I don't recognize this fluid... But it seems to have a crystalline cellar structure like your friend.

The vomit was a teal color. It also slightly illuminated. I too was afraid of what had lain before me. It almost looked like pistachio pudding but bluer, and it didn't have pistachio pieces in it.

The stomach pains diminished. Yet, I think it was related to the teal aura that surrounded my love before he left..

Where did he go anyway? I began to worry more about him, yet my vomit had a hypnotizing effect to it, it also tasted slightly of latex...

I sprung up, moments later, after being told to move. I then realized that my strength came back.

"Yarrow works wonders, doesn't it, human? Though, the flavor of it is not the best." He said with a chuckle. His face was full of disgust, as he mopped up the mess, I made before.

"Yeah" I replied. "I remembered my mother giving a warm cup of yarrow whenever I was sick, leaving me to never miss a day of school. If people weren't so money hungry, I would have been, I think I would have been on my third year of college. I would have had a human partner, possibly a have a child or two with them. I would have been a biologist, in the later years..." I began to choke up. Fox looked at me in sadness.

"NOW I'M A HOBO IN A RELATIONSHIP WITH A MONSTER!" Just then, I heard a door open.


I found myself deep in the lush woods, I was too weak to stand up so, I took a seat on the wet grass. It was a full moon. The sky was a dark violet, almost an indigo, and the moon was brighter than usual.

"Puro..." A familiar voice said.

What met me again was the color of red... It was so bright and luminous. Then it hit me. It was Saucious.

There was something different about him though.. He was translucent. He was acting a bit strange, the last time I saw him too.

"Peacemaker.. I know my time on this planet has passed, but the future is in your hands. You've unlocked your true power, meaning you're strong enough to harness it, hence, I've trained you sufficiently." I nodded as he approached me calmly. 'My time on this planet has passed? Is he dead?' I questioned myself.. I wasn't sure if it was true or not...

"You're weak now, since you used your power for the very first time, and beforehand you awoken from a deep slumber. Now, use it wisely. Using this power for destruction, or corruption will destroy you."

"Now.. I shall be free. Thank you for listening to me, Puro." His voice grew higher pitched, as his form became something else. A young female human, a little taller than my love, which faded into nothingness.

Saucious told me that he used to be way different, and now I understand.

I was back underground where the protogen found me in the first place. Something materialized in my hand as I saw the woman becoming a beast in some sort of flashback. There was shouting behind the door, and it was of Lin's voice.

In deep concern I listened. My heart shattered upon hearing what he yelled.

In hesitation I opened the door. Lin's eyes were wide, and there was a stifling silence between us three.

Love within a broken world (Puro x Lin Fanfic [CONTAINS SPOILERS])Where stories live. Discover now