Serendipity, sweet serendipity

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He let go of the crumbling platform, and embraced me.

Everything faded into darkness.. I felt an odd tugging sensation around my entire body, then, I felt like something was ripped from me.

I awoke. The sun was shining brightly in my eyes, but something felt different... The first thing I saw was my reddish brown hair.

"Wait?! What?" I questioned. I looked down at my arms, they were what I remembered them, and the black shorts, those dammed shorts.

"HUMAN!" Puro yelled as he ran up to me.

"I found this awesome drink in a box!" He was holding a can of flex seal liquid. "It tastes so good! Wanna try some?!" I looked at his mask and felt warm, disregarding the icy autumn breeze.

"Nah, I'll pass. Glad you like it though! But, let's go find you a mirror, and me some clothes.." Puro looked at me in puzzlement.

"Why must we need a mirror?" He asked, sipping the can of flexseal like a bloke sipping tea.

"Oh you'll see!" I smiled. He looked at me sideways.


I was still trying to recall what happened. Seeing him in his old form was quite unsettling to me, mostly because he's no longer one of us, but since I awoke earlier, I felt much better. Now he's requesting me to look in a mirror, quite a strange request but okay.

I felt a metal thing sticking out of my side, I pulled it out and it was an unopened pocket knife.

"Perfect! Open it!" he exclaimed. I did so, and saw what he wanted me to know.

"My mask... It's fixed.." I was astonished to see the shimmering beauty that lay before me.

I tried to piece things together. My outcome is that I absorbed Lin's latex form, exposing his truest form. But then I noticed that Lin was cold.

"We should go find some clothes..." He said shivering.

"Good idea!"

Love within a broken world (Puro x Lin Fanfic [CONTAINS SPOILERS])Where stories live. Discover now