In the days of white

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[AN: Life again, fucking me in the ass, torturing me with ideas and not giving me the time nor resources to bestow upon this journey of Colin and Puro. And that video up there is also a distraction to me, but an ending has showed up in my head. Oh and prepare yourselves, these chapters will get kinda long.]

[Day 1 part 1, Lin]

A dream followed in my slumber.. A rather odd one too, heavily involving my love.

Puro and I were walking down this long, dark hallway. The floor was thorny and all I had was those shorts I wore in the lab. I looked at Puro, his eyes were shut, yet, his dark, crystalline, claws were out.  

He stroke a pose, and lightning illuminated the hall for a moment. What was revealed was that the sharp things I was stepping on were bone fragment. I felt sick. Puro picked me up.

It happened again. I was assimilated...

Within the darkness I felt something moist brush against my forhead.

"Lin.." It was Puro's voice. 

"Lin.. Wake up.. " I struggled to open my eyes. "Lin, I think outside is broken. I-I can't see it. What must we do! It's also extremely cold in here..."

I grunted, annoyed of his panic, disregarding the fact that he doesn't know what a blizzard is. 

"It's nothing to worry about. It's just snow, baby." 

"Oh.. Well uh.. we should get up anyway. And dude, get some clothes on, you will freeze your ass off."

Anger spiked through me. "Well, duh! Go to wake me up from a nice long- oh. Puro?"

Puro got off the bed and shook his head. He went to stare out the window into the whiteout conditions outside.

"How long will we be stuck in here..? How long do these things last?" Puro shook his head.

"An hour to a couple of weeks, my love." I replied. He turned back to me. His eyes were full of fear. I sat up into a cross-legged position under the warm velvety blanket. 

"I-I'm so sorry about yesterday.-"

"It's alright." I interrupted. A tense silence followed. Puro's face was full of melancholy, and he shook his head, again almost the fourth time.

"I.." I fought to break the silence, but my words were being held at the back of my throat. "I.. I can't thank you enough Puro.. After all of the hell we have gone through, you stuck by my side, though some humans won't."

"Thank you.. You don't know how much you mean to me." My love came back to the bed and started snuggling me.

I nodded off again, and awaken to Sauci standing in the doorway. He was having a very in depth conversation to Puro, which I wasn't able to understand a word of it. They were saying something about a basement and a training room or something.

"I'll be back honey, Mr Necronos is telling me about the basement, and how my training is not over yet. He found some training stuff that will help me a lot. Stay out of trouble okay, baby."

"And if you need something, come down. But there is an abundance of food here, like there is a box of noodles where you add hot water and it's awesome."

"Well, seems like the previous owner wanted to survive. Unfortunately they had a bad fate. Plague probably got them. Saucepan, have you seen any skeletons or human remains?" 

The wolves were leaving the room. "Yeah, I saw a skeleton in my bed. Not gonna lie, human bones are scary too look at."

They went downstairs, and I went to the computer. As I sat down on the wooden chair, I took a peek outside. The snow was clearing a little bit, but it was still a whiteout. I turned on the computer and looked at some news articles. The latest article was from five years ago. I opened it and it started to glitch.

By what I could read of it, it was a collection of missing people all over the globe. It's main focus was on five people though, and what deeply disturbed me was 1/5th of the article was on me. There was also an advertisement with my picture. Meanwhile that Amy chick only got a sentence.. They were saying that the Lab I have awaken in was linked to all of these disappearances.. But there was no proof. 

No proof... The lab did hide their acts well. Didn't they?

I closed the computer and went downstairs. I was hungry nearly to the point of feeling sick, and also feeling sick from what I saw beforehand.

Sauci was right. There was instant noodle cups, still wrapped in plastic in a box. The box was on the kitchen counter. What also greeted me on the counter was an unopened bottle of vodka.

I smiled.

[Day 1, Part 1 Saucious Necronos]

Puro was exhausted.. He kept whining about how his body was made for reading and not for fitness. Then we heard shouting from upstairs, it was from Lin.

"I feel so aliiivvveee!!~" Lin yelled. He was in the small doorway of the basement.

We then heard a thud, then another one, then another one. I then realized that he fell down the stairs. Those were some steep stares too.

"Ow! My everything!" he shouted. His eyes were half open and he clutched onto his boyfriends leg.

"I love you Puro leg! I love all of Puro.. Puro.." He threw up.

"Human...? Um.." I shook my head. Colin had found the bottle. He face-planted into the vomit as he let go of Puro's leg and nearly cried.


"Lin, you're acting strange! What has gone into your head!?" Puro almost whimpered.

"He's drunk. He found our fuel... and he drank it." I was deeply disappointed. What an idiot. That was to keep us warm.

The hopelessness has just started.

Love within a broken world (Puro x Lin Fanfic [CONTAINS SPOILERS])Where stories live. Discover now