A Strange Unknown Occurrence

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[AN: Much like the last few chapters this will get strange, there may be transfurmation involved, let's see.]


Puro was pacing back and fourth in panic. He wouldn't stop worrying about the little human. My powers, too have been acting up lately. I kept having visions of that kid. And I know, and am well informed that the human is an adult of his kind, like Puro's and my kind. He's just a short human.

I thought of fishing in the nearby lake, where I found that abandoned cottage, and have us take refuge there, but I can't do that without the human. Puro would be rather distressed, and along with that, might destroy his mask.

I had a little bit of meat left, but Puro was too stressed to eat. I even tried giving him some food to calm him down. Then all of the sudden, he pointed southwest, into the woods.

"Follow me, I think I can locate him... How, I don't... know." I followed.


I kept having visions of my love in danger. The last thing I want is that, yet, it may have been real. Sauci was barely keeping up, as I was in a mixture of panic and rage, for some reason.

Then I knew what was about to go down. I was not in control anymore. I was welcomed with a small smile from my love, then terror right after it. I looked behind me and realized what fate my love has stumbled upon.

It was Belle, holding an explosion stick, aimed at us.

"Looks like both of you are going to the stars." The cat gave a small giggle and aimed it toward my mask.

"We- we don't want any trouble. Please." My love yelled, but stood there quietly.

Belle shook her head. "Puro, you don't understand. Your pet cannot be transfured. You don't understand how much of a threat-"

"HOW MUCH OF A THREAT?! Are you kidding me? You should be talking for yourself bitch! You nearly killed-"

"To prevent this. I know I am crazy and unstable... But I understand more than you." I looked back at my love, he shook his head in confusion and fear. His coat was getting soaked from laying in the snow.

"No you don't. From what I can recall from that night, the night where I almost died, I took Lin's latex form to heal myself. Since he's still alive, the immunities Dr. K gave him still work."

"Dr. K... Kellen... I know that name.. Oh well, farewell, and I shall be rewarded greatly by removing the threat..." she said. She again aimed at my mask.

I heard a growl. That voice...

I slipped back, and fell atop my companion. I felt a sharp pain enter my chest and a burdened fatigue came over me. I then felt sick, yet, a small amount of instinctual pleasure.

I looked over, Sauci was in more of a primitave form, and was approaching our rival. I began to unsuccessfully locate my love, before realizing what I did.

I passed out.

Moments later I regained consciousness. Saucious was standing over me. I looked into his blood red eyes, they were full of deep concern, and a bit of fatigue.

The fire stick was on the ground, and Belle was no where to be seen. Nor was Colin. Fearfully, my thoughts reiterated into what I have done, then other thoughts came, the consequences of my actions this time, and how much guilt it brought.

Sauci held out his red and black paw and pulled me up. I still felt the same sickness and fatigue I felt before, yet it was worse now.

"You're going to be okay." he said, as he studied me.

"By what I hear, you are the only one that can transfur him, since you took his latex form." He put his arm around me to support my weight.

"Also, Belle will not be a problem for you and the human anymore." I smiled, and a tear began to flow down my pearly mask upon hearing that.

Love within a broken world (Puro x Lin Fanfic [CONTAINS SPOILERS])Where stories live. Discover now