The Cottage

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[AN: My writers block is nearly over, I'm getting some fresh ideas for you guys, but unfortunately this story will be like 30 pages long, so bare with me okay. I hope you guys are enjoying it so far. I am having a great time writing this, and holy shit, this is the most viewed story I have. Thank you guys. <3 More updates coming soon! Also, fair warning, this is going to be weird.]


It was quite a long walk to the little cottage I found, and with the state Puro was in, I felt horrible to have him endure this. I kept wondering what happened to Colin, if he was okay, and why Puro was resentful to answer my questions.

Perhaps he had done something wrong.

We were almost the cottage when I figured out why he was being resentful. He moaned in pain and collapsed, almost immediately I heard a gasp. In puzzlement I ran to it, and threw the door open and slammed it. I sat there breathlessly, and within the silence, I heard muttering outside.


What met me was the ground. Then I opened my eyes. The morning sun was replaced by evening clouds, and kneeling in front of me was my love, his shiny black fur glittered gray from the overcast sky.

"I'm so sorry." His voice shook in fear, and humiliation.

"About what, babe... What.. happened?" I sprung to my feet. Upon doing so, I realized I was missing one of my boots. I found spots of black latex scattered throughout my body.

I then realized what had happened. My dreams predicted this.

"I.. I-"

"It's alright Puro, most likely, you got us out of trouble. I honestly don't know what happened..." I giggled a little bit. Puro remained in a melancholy silence.

I was confused, most of all. Yet, some fear stirred in the back of my mind, almost like, I just experienced something horrible, but what?

"Oh, hey love- There is a cottage!" I tried to lighten up the mood but Puro rolled his eyes, he looked like he was about to cry.

"Puro.. Whatever you did is probably not a big deal.." His eyes illuminated slightly in rage.

"I ASSIMILATED YOU! HOW IS THAT NOT A BIG DEAL!? I could have killed you!" I was shaking, but I was glad that the anger was not directed at me, still, it hurts me to see Puro in pain.

Rageful sobs started to escape his mouth. I embraced him, getting my face full of his soft fluff.

"It's getting cold." I said after a moment, and nodded.

"I.. I don't think I can face Sauci like this. When.. When you came back, he flipped out and ran into the house. The poor wolf must be terrified. I am also feeling under the weather, human. I could use some flexseal liquid right now." I nodded.

"Let's see if there is any in that cottage." I smiled, yet, I was close to crying, myself.

We broke the embrace and entered the cottage. Sauci was just starting a book, and a small fire was ablaze in the hearth, causing a light smoky scent in the air. He dropped his book upon his first glance of me, and climbed up the chair a little bit.

"Uh.. Hi, Lin... Welcome back." I waved back. 

Puro was right.

Love within a broken world (Puro x Lin Fanfic [CONTAINS SPOILERS])Where stories live. Discover now