The Hidden gifts lost to time

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[AN: Hello again! More adventure is coming up very soon. I'm not going to write about the whole five days, or however the storm was going to last. Well, anyway, let's get into the meat of this thing!]

[Puro, Night one]

It's been a good couple of hours since I told my love about my undesired will. He shook his head upon hearing that, then said something completely unexpected.

"I've been there too..." and he just walked upstairs, and left the bow on the ground. I was left in confusion.

We had a quiet dinner, with the cup noodles and what we could find in the house. I saw rugged fatigue in everyone's faces, much like when everyone gets to relax after months of endless traveling, they show how truly tired they are. The only thing to be heard was the crackling of the wood in the fireplace, and the harsh winds outside.

At least my love, and Saucious were comfortable. Both, bared a warm grateful smile between hefty bites of noodles. Until my love asked if I was going to eat. I did so.

The night went on, I was all cozy in the bed, and my love searched around in his foxy fashion. He found a few discs with someone's handwriting on them. I wasn't able to understand it at first. He told me that they were probably band names or something.

"Band...? Like music?" I asked, he nodded. I was rather unfamiliar with music, but I heard that music was really big in human society.

"Would you mind playing some?" I asked again. Lin nodded, but we soon found out the CD jack on the computer was broken. Yet, I found something in one of the drawer.

"Perfect!" He exclaimed. I was a bit confused at first, but it was a radio/CD player.

And what music was held within the CD was Japanese style electronic music. I took a better look at the artist and they went by she/shemusic, and the album was Chiptune Memories. [AN: Yes that album and artist actually exists and it's my favorite album holy shit.]

I was in deep astonishment. All that detail.. All of those sounds circulating into a beautiful harmony. And the voice the man and woman had making the auditory beauty that is withheld in a small metal and plastic disk. I was right on what I keep telling myself... Humans really are excellent.

I look over to my love, who didn't seem very impressed, and was rather annoyed. He shook his head and coldly remarked:

"Not my thing." and went to turn it off until Track #2, Chiptune Memories started to play. He started smiling. "Maybe not."

He started singing along to the lyrics, I was astonished on his beautiful his voice.

"You're the fire, my desire. My secret emotion, total devotion. And when you whisper it I will listen to you." He pointed at me and winked.

He snuggled up into my arms as the rest of the song played. "Do you love me Puro?" he whispered.

"Yes. More than the universe, Colin." We kissed. "Do you?" I said.

"Yes... More than existence itself!" His sapphire eyes sparkled.

[Lin, Night one]

I don't know if I should be ashamed of the thoughts that have came into my mind at that moment, or if I should do as they say. I wonder if he'll hate me for what I'm going to request of him to do.

I smirked and did a hand gesture. Before I could ask he kissed me and smiled.

"Not tonight, baby. Another time." I felt rejected but I understood.

Another time... So he lusts too. I felt a bit disgusted, yet hopeful.

[Puro, Night one]

I two had those same thoughts. Though us Transfur reproduce asexually, we let's just say, test ourselves. And since I have some human DNA from Lin, and the crystal I came from was from a former human. I know about the lust. And I feel it too. I just never had the courage to say anything about it.

[AN: Okay, I'm not going to get too in depth with this, but I know you people probably know what's going to happen. I said that I was going to keep this pretty clean and I was not wrong, yet, this story is marked mature, and the lovers are in their twenties so yeah.

Well that wraps up this chapter. I am sorda running out of ideas but if you to pitch in some, go on ahead. I will shout out the person and their idea.]

Love within a broken world (Puro x Lin Fanfic [CONTAINS SPOILERS])Where stories live. Discover now