"What?!" I looked at the time on my phone and saw it was really 9:15. It was just 8! I only closed my eyes for a few seconds.

I got up, hurried up and did my morning routine and saw that Trey was ready to leave. We hopped in my car and headed off to school. I know my professor gonna say some slick shit. 5 minutes later we arrived to school and went to our classes. Soon as I walked into class all eyes were on me.

"Well,Well,Well look who decided to show up" My Professor was a dick, but I had to let it slide cuz I wasn't tryna get into any more trouble.

"I apologize for being late sir, I had some car troubles an-" This bald headed wrinkle face ass nigga cut me off.

"Save It Brown, go take a seat. The next time you pull a stunt like this I'll have you removed from this class"

I furrowed my eyebrows "You can't do that"

"Try Me"

I smacked my teeth and just walked to an empty seat. I can't stand that man. As I sat down I felt a pair of eyes on me, I turned around and saw Saige. I winked at her, making her blush then she started looking down at her notebook. I never knew she noticed my ass till now. I honestly was tryna be low-key and not be seen but I gotta admit, I'm a handsome ass nigga so I can see why she noticed me.

After class ended I was headed out until I felt someone touch my shoulder.

"Excuse Me?" It was her, my baby Saige. I turned around and smiled at her.

"Wassup gorgeous"

" Um Hi I'm Saige, you probably don't know me but um... I noticed you always carry a camera around, are you a photographer?"

"Yeah as a matter of fact I am, what can I assist you with?" I questioned while licking my lips.

"So I'm an aspiring model and I need to build my portfolio and I was wondering if you knew how to take professional pictures?"

I already got amazing photos of her, walking on campus, in her home, laying in her bed, in the shower..... I guess I'm getting more photos to my collection. With consent at least.

"Yeah Ma I got you"

She hugged me, "Thank you so much, um..uh I'm sorry what's your name again?"


I smiled and kissed her hand. After that we exchanged numbers.

<Saige P.O.V>

Maurice....the look he gave me pierced through my soul, like he was deep inside of me. He seems like a nice guy, but surprisingly he's very intimidating to talk to. After I got his number I left to go meet my boyfriend Daniel. I had to tell him the good news. I met up with him in the courtyard on campus and we sat at one of the benches.

"Baby guess what"

"What?"he asked curiously.

"I found a photographer who can help me out with my photo shoot"


"His name is Maurice and he-...."

He quickly cut me off "Heeee?!"

"Yes babe"


"Nigga are you Michael Jackson? Stop saying Heee and Yes I said He as in a Guy" I laughed as I mocked him.

"Mamas I don't want you to be working with any niggas"


"Baby you're fine asf and they'll try to take you away from me" he pouted.

"Daniel it's gonna be fine no ones gonna take me from you ok?"

He nodded yes.

"Good now Daniel I'm about to go to work so I'll text you later ok?"

"Alright Baby"

After that he kissed me and we both went our separate ways.

Saige 👇🏾

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Saige 👇🏾

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Do you think Saige led Chris On?

Will Angie Find Out About the Red Room?

Will Chris Find Out About Daniel?

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