‘Well, who are you going to bring?’ Sensei asked and I smiled, determined.

‘The whole team 7 of course, Sai!’ I called and the man appeared kneeling. ‘Pack your bags, we're going out.’

‘Wait a minute,’ Tenzou suddenly appeared. ‘Naruto, you aren't going to leave the village. You don't even have your seal anymore! As the host, you shouldn't be allowed to leave the village! Besides, in the last battle, you got up to eight tails! You were lucky the seal worked and held back the fox, but what about next time? And I have to help rebuild the village. I can't be with you all the time.’

‘Whoa, easy on the nagging there, Tenzou-san,’ I said as I scratched my ear that was humming due to his loud voice.

‘Hikari and I met on Yondaime,’ Naruto explained. ‘He's the one who stopped me from becoming the nine-tailed beast. He said he has faith in us both. Besides, I knew the seal well so now I could seal it back and Hikari-kun can help since he can enter my mind.’

‘Great! Let's go! All of Team 7 to the Kage Summit!’ Kakashi-sensei exclaimed.


It's been a long journey, but we reached the venue. Honoring my senpai, I only held on to the hat rather than wearing it. The land of Iron, home of the samurais. This country had long since been a neutral party and had mediated the Kage Summits since ever. It was snowing here and we're lucky that we brought extra clothes.

‘Aaa Choo!’ Karin sneezed and she was hugging me.

‘What is she doing that vixen, hugging Hikari-kun like that? They didn't even declare yet,’ Sakura mumbled as she was hugging Sasuke tightly.

‘Speak for yourself, fore…’ Karin said but I cut her off.

‘Enough, we're here,’ I announced.

‘Whoa, the castle is huge!’ Naruto exclaimed.

‘We've been waiting for you, Hokage,’ an old man greeted me and he was surrounded by able-bodied samurai all around him. ‘I am the leader of the Land of Iron. My name is Mifune.’

‘Honor to meet the Samurai of old, I am Hikari, the Hokage, temporary,’ I bowed in respect.

‘Please come in, I'll have some tea set out for you all. Please remember that only two escorts are allowed in the meeting hall,’ the old man instructed as he gestured at the entrance.

‘Very well, lead me there, please,’ I said before following the old man. ‘Kakashi-sensei, Sasuke. Follow me, please. Their rest of you can rest but be vigilant just in case.’

‘Yes, Hokage-sama!’ they collectively said.


‘Place your hats on the table. You are here today because Raikage has called this meeting,’ Mifune-dono began. ‘My name is Mifune. I will be your moderator. This meeting will now begin.’

‘I'll go first. Listen up,’ Gaara began.

‘The make-up of the five Kages sure has changed. You must be something special to be made a Kazekage at your age,’ Tsuchikage cut in. ‘Your father may have taught you right, but he forgot to instill you any manners.’

I sighed at Tsuchikage's behavior, he was behaving like a brat himself. Let Gaara finish first you damn old trap! They all might be going to bicker so I had to wait it out before telling my side of the story.

‘I'm a former host. Akatsuki captured me and nearly killed me extracting the beast,’ Gaara began. ‘That's why I believe Akatsuki is extremely dangerous. I requested aid from the other Kages many times, but they all ignored me except for the former Hokage and her junior that was here on her behalf. Though at this point, with so many hosts captured, it's too late for aid.’

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