"thank you, lithu. thank you."
"prašom, (c/n)."

from then on, lithuania and (c/n) became the best of friends. it seemed like nothing could separate them. though they weren't the strongest of nations, they got along just fine. lithuania protected (c/n) with everything he had, and in return (c/n) would provide him with all the resources he needed. he taught her lithuanian, shared every aspect of his culture with her, and she did the same. even when poland came along and became his partner, they would do everything they could to keep their alliance in tact.

until russia came along.

(c/n) gathered all the troops and fire power she had, and went to fight alongside poland and lithuania. she wanted to repay him for all he's done for her, even with what little she had.

the russian military separated (c/n) and lithuania, leaving her scrambled and helpless. she was down to no more than two hundred soldiers, most of them wounded. she wandered, hoping to find her friend before something bad happened.

she came upon a horrifying site. through the trees she saw poland and lithuania on the ground, and russia dancing over them.

"hooray! I have won it again! russia is the best in the whole world!" he cheered. (c/n) was petrified, shaking as she stood. she remembered how scared she felt before lithuania saved her. she readied her weapon, getting ready to charge.

I have to save him. I have to protect him. she thought, still shaking.

she looked back to the helpless lithuania, and he looked back.

"(c/n, don't)." he mouthed. she was confused. "stop. don't." she shot him an almost angry look. "I need to help." she mouthed back. "stop it." she retracted her weapon, holding it closer to her chest and observing the scene.

"damn you... russia." lithuania chokes out. russia bent to his level. "hey, I like you lithuania. so you can stay at my place if you would like to." russia offered.

what? one of the strongest nations in the world is offering shelter to a country he nearly destroyed? how is this happening? (c/n)'s head was going in every direction, attempting to figure out what was going on.

"what?" it seemed lithuania was just as confused as (c/n).

"I'm joking, you do what I say because I win." russia said, a smile on his face. (c/n) grit her teeth, wanted to jump out from behind the trees and beat russia senseless.

and with that, russia yanked lithuania up roughly and began to walk away, dragging the leafy-eyed country behind him. "I wish you saw your face when I made the joke, hilarious!" he cackled to himself.

"LITHU-" (c/n) began, before catching lithuania shooting a deathly glare at her. she immediately shut up, and squeezed her eyes shut, just hoping it was a dream.

"no, I don't vant to go. poland! please! vake up!" he pleaded, attempting to pull away from russia. (c/n) was confused, why wouldn't he let her help him?

she snapped her eyes open, looking to poland in hopes he would answer to lithuania's plea. he lifted his head, and adjusted his vision to what was happening.

"poland! please! I am needing zhe helps! he is taking me avay!" he cried, stretching his arm out. poland propped himself up and said "I wish you could see your face right now it is hilarious!"

(c/n)'s blood boiled with fury. how could he? with everything lithuania has done for him and herself, how dare he just sit there and laugh.

poland laid there, and laughed. (c/n) leaned forward to try to save her friend, but she was stuck. her jacket was snagged by a tree branch, and her foot was far so far into the snow she couldn't even feel it.

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