French Mistake (Part 2)

Start from the beginning

I sat in the empty bathtub sobbing. I was heartbroken. Heart broken to know that I would have to go back. I would have to wake up from this dream and be back in reality. It felt like the death of a loved one. I didn't know this person. He or She wasn't even alive yet. And still I felt the full weight of the loss. My eyes burned and my throat hurt. I wanted a kid. I wanted a family. But I am the queen of Heaven. I am the goddess Eden. Children aren't something I can have. But here I wasn't Eden. I wasn't a goddess. I wasn't a queen. Here I could have children. Here I could be happy. It was then I heard a knock on the door. "Eddie. it's me." I heard dean say through the door. "It's open" I said wiping the tears away. He walked in and looked at my form sadness in his eyed. I could tell he too wanted to cry. Dean Winchester (though he will never admit it even to himself) wants a normal apple pie life. He wants kids. I scooted over in the bathtub as far as I could to the wall. Dean slid next to me as he got into the empty tub. He put his arms around me and I laid my head on his chest. He kissed the top of my head and we leaned back against the side of the tub. No words were spoken. None were needed. We just sat together and grieved the soon to be loss of our child. 


We had all the supplies but there were too many people to preform the ritual. Dean went to talk to someone about it. He came back with a very uncomfortable look, "Uh, so, bad news. Uh...Looks like we're gonna have to do a little acting. "What?" Both me and Sam panicked. W walked onto the sound stage and a crew member hopped in front of us. "Supernatural" scene 36, take 1. Marker!" The director Bob yelled, " Action!" Sam and Dean stand behind Not-Castiel. Sam looks utterly terrified and Dean is staring earnestly. Misha took a step towards camera, "Balthazar is no hero. But he knows Raphael will never take him back."Misha turns around. Sam flinches, Dean walks forward and then looks down at his mark and moves over to his right "Cut!" Bob yells. "Supernatural" scene 36, take 8. Marker!" "Action!" Sam seems unsure of what to do with his arms and keeps rearranging them, folding, unfolding. What the hell is wrong with them. I stand casually like I normally would. I am pretending to be me after all. Misha started the line again, "Balthazar is no hero. But he knows Raphael will never take him back." Dean read from the script, "Dean, grimly. And yet, somehow you got no problem with it." Did he just read the stage directions? "Cut!" Misha turns to me and mouths 'what the hell'. I just shrugged my shoulders. "Action." Sam stepped forward awkwardly "That's because...That's because we have no other choice." Dean whispered "Don't look at the camera." "What?" "Look anywhere but the camera." I rolled my eyes at the two. Sam looks at the ceiling and takes the line again, "That's because we have no other choice!" "Cut! For the love of... Action. Cut!" Sam raised his arm stiffly, "If there's a key, then there must also be a lock." He said just as awkwardly raising the other one. "Cut. Action." Sam did the line again, "If there's a key...then there has to be a lock. And when we find the lock, we can get the weapons, and then we can have the weapons. And the lock. We'll still have the lock, I imagine, because we've opened it, and, of course, the initial key." What in actual hells bells is happening. "We need to get all three of that crap." Dean says. "What?" Sam replied. "That's how he does it." "Oh." Dean yelled "Do we really need all these lines? I mean, I-I-I-I think we've covered it. Right?" Bob yelled "Cut! What is happening? What's happening?! What's happening?!" "An atrocity is happening." "Seems like they should stop." "They can't stop. Nobody stops. Did we get anything we can use?" "Well, uh, technically, we have them saying everything in bits and pieces. Could be sort of experimental?" Bob shook his head as the other workers rambled, "Whatever.... Season six."

Sam held up the script, "Who wrote this? Nobody says "penultimate!" Dean nodded, "Gun, mouth. (makes gun gesture at his mouth) Now." I shook my head. "You two are PROFESSIONAL liars. How in hell are you such trash at acting. YOU ARE PRETENDING TO BE YOURSELF!!!" 

"Moving on!" One of the staff people said. "Thank god." Dean said and we rushed to start the ritual. Misha was typing on his phone, "I-m-h-o, 'J' and 'J' had a late one last night." 


The portal didn't work. Misha was killed and a homeless man saw virgil praying to Raphael. Raphael is going to take him home. That sadness once again crept up. I shook it away. This isn't real... I have to remember that. Any way we caught up to Virgil and were sent through the portal back to our world. We stood up straight and right in front of us stood Raphael.  "You two...Have the strangest luck." Raphael said to the Winchesters. "Eden we have been searching everywhere for you. We were in a panic. You can't just leave the universe without telling anyone!" Raphael scolded. "Your right. I'm sorry for worrying you Raphael" I said. Dean spoke too "Raphael? Nice meatsuit. Dude looks like a lady." Raphael squeezes his fist and causes Dean and Sam to bend over in pain. "Raphael..." I said angrily. He immediately released them. Dean dropped the key and Raphael picked it up "The key." Balthazar appeared next to me. "And that will open you a locker at the Albany bus station." He said smugly. "Really." Raphael said. "You see, I needed a modest decoy to make it more convincing." He explained. "Give me the weapons." Raphael demanded. "They are already in heaven. Completely restored." Balthazar said. "What?!" Both Raphael and I said. "I said, too bloody late. You see, they were so well-hidden that I needed time to find them. So, I volunteered these two marmosets and our sister for a game of fetch with Virgil. You were such an adequate stick. Thank you Eden. Thank you, boys. I had every intention of returning them. I just needed time so that I wouldn't be killed in the process" "Balthazar--" Raphael began angrily but I cut him off. "Thank you. You are free to go. WITHOUT ANY HARM coming to you." I said smiling at my brother.  "Thank you Eden... for everything" Balthazar said before flying away. "I feel that letting him go was unwise sister." Raphael piped up. "Only time will tell. Now go check and see if Balthazar was telling the truth" I smiled. Raphael smiled back before flying away. "Any one hungry?" I asked the boys. "I could eat" Dean said and sam nodded.

Cas appeared later that night to check on me (on order of Raphael I'm sure). "Anything interesting happen while you were over their?" Cas asked innocently. I smiled, "Dean and I got married and then he got me pregnant." His eyes grew wide in panic, "WHAT?!?!?!?!?!?" 


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