s e v e n t e e n

Start from the beginning

"Hello girlfriend," he greets me with a peck on the cheek. One thing I have learned from the twenty days we have been dating is Harry loves calling me pet names. He calls me baby, princess, or angel more than he calls me Rose, and I don't mind at all. I quite frankly love it, it makes me feel special. "How has your day been?"

"It has been really good so far. I woke up in a good mood and I am looking forward to seeing you tonight. How about you H?"

"My day has gone good as well. I just have been really busy with meeting and dealing with the stock market, but other than that it has been good." One thing I learned from Harry was that his goal was always to have an empire like he does now, and after his dad passed this business was, and still is, his baby. His dad started it up and he took over and made it even bigger.

"Well that is amazing. Me and Danny today are actually gonna go buy a fish for some reason." I sit down on his chair and he goes back to his desk typing away and listening. After my statement he looks up at me with a cocked eyebrow.

"A fish? That man is so random." We both laugh lightly at the very true statement and talk for a little bit longer. But soon I get up and give him a kiss on the cheek before going back to my office. Once I enter my phone goes off so pick it up.

Forgot to tell you but you look beautiful today. I will see you later at around six, dress warm ;)
- CEO Harry Styles.

Thank you handsome. And I can't wait for tonight. May I please have a hint what we are doing? If it is something really expensive I might have to kill you.

No baby, I am not gonna give you a hint. And I want to spoil you, you deserve it.
-CEO Harry Styles

Your so mean:(

Me and Harry continue texting in between his meetings and such. At noon I go out to lunch with Danny and Alissa to a small sub place. I will admit I am not the closest to Alissa, I am awkward enough and so being with her and Danny makes it even worse. But we still get along very well, she is a very sweet girl. The whole lunch I tell her stories about me and Danny's adventures back at home. I also make sure to throw in some embarrassing stories about Danny, including the time I caught him wanking off.

The rest of the day goes the same and me and Danny go to the local pet store right after work. He buys a goldfish and really does name it Barthameowl, but I will just call it Bartha. We soon reach home and Danny sets up the tank while I get ready. I put on a pair of leggings and white knit cardigan that I pair with brown boots. I put my hair up in a messy bun, which in reality took forever to make it look effortless, and I touched up my makeup. At 5:58 Harry knocks at my door.

"Hello darling," he greets as soon as I open the door. I scan his outfit and notice he is wearing a black shirt, black pants, a black trench coat, along with black Chelsea boots, and  a scarf. He looks very hot to say the least, I couldn't imagine anyone else but him pulling that outfit off. "You look very beautiful tonight." I smile and blush while thanking him. We soon leave after wishing Danny goodbye. But before we could officially leave he dragged Harry in there to meet his fish.

"He is very excited about that fish." After his comment me and him both start laughing.

"He is a three year old boy in a mans body I swear." Hardy laughs and we step out of the elevator. We soon get in his car and take off. The whole ride to the mystery place I kept begging him to tell me where we are going, I even offered him a little favor if he told me. He thought about it, but in the end he told me no.

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