Chapter 41: He's here

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Turns out I've been in labour since the morning, which means I've been in labour for around 8 hours. I'm all hooked up to machines, I just had an epidural which is awesome because I'm no longer in excruciating pain. Turns out little Pumkpin decided to come early and meet everybody. Talking about everyone they're all at the show, I begged Amy and Josh not to tell anyone I'm in the hospital until I'm actually having the baby so my mom could at least perform a few scenes and have her moment to shine.

Right now we're waiting for me to be dilated to a 10, I'm only at a 6 now, so I'm not really sure if it's going to take a while or not, I don't know, I just want to get this over with. Josh, he's been amazing, he hasn't left my side ever since we left the house, which is really nice because he seems to be the only thing calming me down right now.

I smile watching him play with my fingers before my eyes close for a few seconds. I'm not sure what they put in me but I suddenly felt exhausted, I could really use a nap right now. "You tired?" Josh asks softly causing my eyes to flutter open again, "Mhm" I nod closing my eyes again.

"Well at least you seem relaxed" he points out but I shake my head, "I couldn't be more terrified" I admit. "Of what becoming a mother?" He questions and I shrug.

"Of giving birth, becoming a mother, being in charge of a kid for 18 years" I explain. His face softens and he lifts my hand and places a soft kiss on it, "At least you won't be doing it alone" I smile and nod, "I love you" I mutter, he leans forwards and presses a soft kiss on my lips. "I love you more".


"Did you call my mom?" I ask frantically gripping onto Josh's hand. "Yes sweetheart, my mom is taking to all of them now" he answers. "Baby everything's going to be fine" he assures me, using his other hand to caress my cheek.

"Are you ready Maya?" The doctor asks sitting in a chair in front of me as my heart starts pounding against my chest, "If I say no will it change anything?" He chuckles "I guess not" he answers. I glance at Josh worriedly, "I'm scared" I admit making his face soften, "Baby you will do amazing, there is nothing to be scared off, just think about how you'll finally meet our little baby after a few pushes" I nod and he kisses my cheek.

"Now Maya I'm going to need you to push in 3, 2, 1" he counts down as I take a deep breath and start pushing. Right here in this moment, a few minutes right before I get to meet the little blessing Josh and I made purely out of love, I come to realisation about what's going on in my life.

"And breathe" I catch my breath biting my lip "And 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 Push" I start pushing again gripping onto Josh's hand tighter.

At 17 years olds I'm becoming a mother to a baby boy. Throughout this pregnancy a lot has happened, every relationship I have whether it's with my friends, family or boyfriend, all of them everything changed.

They all see me differently, I will never be the same Maya of a few months ago. The only thing piece of me that didn't change is the fact that I will always put others before me and my love for art of course.

"And breathe" I relax and tears start to fill my eyes from both the pain and exhaustion. "Ready? And push" I groan putting all my strength into this. "Come on baby" Josh encourages me as I tighten my grip onto his hand.

There is one thing that I will forever be grateful for and that is the love and appreciation I have for Joshua Gabriel Matthews. My first love, my first kiss, my first everything. At this point he means more than the world to me and I certainly wouldn't be here if it wasn't for him, I mean that in a good way though.

I scream collapsing on the bed, "I don't want to push anymore" I admit shaking my head tired from doing this. "You can do this Maya, just a little more" Josh says caressing my cheek. "Come on baby, you're doing amazing".

He has taught me and shown me what love truly is and I will try everything in me to never let him go.

"Here comes the head" The doctors says as I keep pushing.

I won't only do it for me but for Noah. I want my little pumpkin to grow up having a loving father and mother. A family that has so much love for each other, a family that I never got as a young girl.

"This is the hardest part Maya, his shoulders. You're going to have to push extra hard okay?" I nod my breathing uneven and my head starting to spin. With all this pushing it's making me feel light headed.

I feel like you start being a mother before your baby is even born. As soon as you find out you're pregnant I feel like that's where it all starts. Your body adjusting to making a healthy little baby, the morning sickness, cramps, contractions, sore feet, enormous stomach. Whilst going through that you're already a mother, you're caring for a little baby who's growing inside of you.

The preparation of getting everything you need, making sure everything is okay with your baby. Just everything. You become a mother before you even meet your bundle of joy and as I'm pushing mine out about to meet him any minute now, I can't help but wonder who he will take on after, me or Josh.

"One last push Maya!" I catch my breath and clench my eyes shut giving it my all before the sound of a baby crying fills my ears and I collapse back onto the hospital bed. I open my eyes and find the doctor placing a little pink crying baby on my chest. "Oh my gosh" I cry wrapping my arms around my little boy. He's here, Noah is here.

"Congratulations" the doctor says proudly as I try and look down at my sweet boy who's crying. "It's okay" I whisper kissing his tiny little head, I look up and find Josh crying whilst letting out a chuckle. "You did it gorgeous" he whispers leaning down to kiss the top of my head. "I love you so damn much" He adds pecking my lips before glancing down at our little boy on my chest, who's getting cleaned by a nurse.

"Josh would you like to cut the umbilical cord?" The doctors asks making Josh nod vigoursly and leave my side. "There we go" the doctor says happily before the nurse takes Noah from me and takes him to get cleaned up, weighed, measured and all that fun stuff. Josh follows the nurse and the doctor starts asking me questions but all I can think about right now is that I just had a freaking baby.

A few minutes later Josh is carrying our baby back to me and all I can do is smile. He gently places Noah on my chest and a nurse covers the both of us with a blanket. "Oh my goodness" I whisper absolutely overwhelmed with happiness and love for the little boy laying on my chest, he isn't crying anymore and he seems content to be with me. "Hi baby boy" I say softly completely in love with his little whimpers.

"He's so cute" Josh gushes making me look up at him. "I love you so much baby" I say lifting my hand and grabbing Josh's chin, leading him down to me so I can press my lips against his for a passionate kiss. "Look at him already sucking on his fingers" Josh laughs gazing at his son.

"He's probably hungry" the nurse says walking towards me, "Let's try and breastfeed" I nod and she shows me how to do it. Within seconds he latches on and the nurse seems pretty happy, leaving Noah and I alone. I bit my lip looking down at him lovingly, it feels surreal that he is actually here, in my arms.

"I'm going to tell everyone he's here" Josh says giving me a quick kiss on the cheek before leaving the room.

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Get ready for an Epilogue and the end of this book


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