Chapter 3: Can't do this alone anymore

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Maya's Pov
Another morning, and I find myself bent over the toilet once more. I groan and wipe my mouth with the back of my hand before standing up and staring at myself in the mirror.

I look the definition of horrible. My hair looks like a bird nest sitting on the top of my head. My eyes are still slightly red and the bags underneath my eyes are not hard to miss. To top all of that I look pale and if I stayed the day with someone it'd be evident that I'm pregnant.

I decide to take a quick shower before heading to Riley's. Since it's Saturday everyone should be in the loft, including Josh, except he usually comes later in the afternoon and stays to have dinner.

I climb out of the shower and wrap a towel around my body before putting my hair down and passing a brush through my stubborn locks.

I put my hair up in a messy high ponytail and pad over to my closet to retrieve some clothes. I decide on black leggings and one of Josh's sweatshirt I stole from him a while ago. I quickly slip my panties and bra on before slipping into the clothes I chose.

I walk back to my bathroom and stare at my reflection debating whether I should put some make-up on or not. After a few seconds I groan and decide to go against.

I leave my room and slowly make my way to the kitchen but instantly stop when I hear my mom cooking. The last thing I wanted is to get sick with the smell of food.

"I'm going to Riley's!" I shout waiting for one of my parents to answer.

"Okay" my dad shouts making me walk to the front door.

I make it to Riley's in less than 5 minutes and I'm quite thankful because I'm getting a headache from the noisy street.

I climb up the fire escape not wanting to cause a whole scene by using the front door.

I open the bay window and climb in sitting in my usual spot and seeing Riley sitting at her desk.

"Hey" I breathe out looking back down at my hands.

"Hi" she says slowly standing up from her chair and sitting on the bay window next to me.

"I'm sorry" I whisper looking back up at her with tears blurring my vision.

"Maya" she sighs pulling me closer.

"I can't do this alone anymore" I cry, letting Riley comfort me.

"Maya you were never alone" she insists "You have me" she assures me making me look up at her "And Josh" she adds but I quickly shake my head.

"No I don't" I sob wiping my tears "He'll want to stay far away as possible when he'll find out" I admit making her eyebrows furrow.

"What happened?" She questions softly.

"I was stupid and irresponsible and it's all my fault" she shakes her head and cups my face.

"Maya what happened?" She asks again.

"I'm pregnant" I admit causing her eyes to widen and her hands to let go of my face.

"No" she breathe out but I nod, "I took a test, I'm late, it's been a week and I've been throwing up non-stop" I explain letting more tears fall, as I look at Riley.

After a few minutes of silence I can't take it anymore. "Riles?" I beg making her blink a few times, seemingly bringing her back from her thoughts.

"How?" She asks looking at me confused "When? Who?" She adds looking at me like I lost my mind.

"I think you know how, when?" I sigh "When Josh came back, and that answers who as well" I admit making her eyes widen once more.

"Josh!" She exclaims making me look at her like she's insane, why is she so shocked? Who else could possibly knock me up? Did she take me for a random slut or something?

"Who else do you think it was? Josh is my boyfriend, I wouldn't go behind him to have sex with a random guy and end up knocked up" I snap making her sigh.

"Riles I told you because you're my best friend and I really need your help and support not because I want your judgement"

"Sorry" she says looking down "It's just shocking" she admits looking back up at me.

"You never told me you finally did it" she admits.

"I was going to, the next day, I was excited too until" I trail off playing with my fingers "Until I realised he was your uncle and that you'd probably be disgusted" I finished making her face soften.

"Maya, just because he's my uncle doesn't mean I don't want to hear about what's going on in your life, sure sometimes it can be weird but I'll tell you when you go too far and I don't want to hear anymore" she says making me smile.

"Did you guys really not use a condom?" She asks but I nod.

"We did that's why I'm so confused by how this happened" I says making her eyebrows furrow.

"You only did it once?" She questions as I think about it and that's when a memory invades my thought.


"Boo!" I shout taking Josh aback whislt his eyes widen and he let's out a scream. "Maya" he whines putting his hand over his heart "Stop doing that" he breathe out making me laugh.

It's Halloween and we're at a party and I've been scaring Josh since this morning.

"It's funny" I shrug making him roll his eyes whilst he wraps his arms around my waist, "It's not when your the one being scared" he admits.

"Well then good thing I'm not the one getting scared" I laugh making him smile.

"Drinks?" A random guys asks carrying a tray with red cups.

I nod and take one seeing Josh do the same. "Happy Halloween" he says bumping his cup against mine.

A few drinks later and Josh and I are heading back to my place. Josh realised after my third cup that he let me drink alcohol and that I was now a tad tipsy. He on the other hand also was, and that's when I realised we we're both fucked.

Luckily my parents were gone on a trip to Denver for two days, which was perfect considering we needed a place to go where there were no adults that could lecture us about drinking.

"Josh" I giggle against his lips as he carries me to my room, "Slow down" I say attempting to follow his lips, that were hard and insistent on mine.

"I can't, I want you so badly" he admits causing heat to head straight to my core.

"Good" I smirk "Because I need you" I say crashing my lips back on his.


And that's all I seem to remember.

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