Chapter 14: Going to Philly

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"What are you doing?" I turn around and find my adorable little sister leaning against my door frame, her hands crossed over her chest and her lips pursed together.

"Hello Evs" I smile turning my attention back to my bag I was packing for the trip to Philly. "Hey" she says walking towards my bed where my bag is lying. She takes a seat at the edge and furrows her eyebrows, "Why are you packing?" She asks.

"Josh and I are going to Philadelphia" I explain making her eyes slightly widen. "Oh I'm going to pack as well" she says jumping off my bed. "Evs" I say quickly before she makes it out of my room. She stops in her tracks and turns around. "Who said you were going?" I ask crossing my arms across my chest. 

Her brows furrow as she looks at me confused "I can't come?" She questions with a tinge of hurt laced between her words. I sigh and take a seat on my bed. "Come here" she walks towards me and once she's in front of me, I place her on my lap.

"Evs, Josh and I are the only ones going. We're going to tell Allen and Amy about the baby" I explain "Can't I come and tell them with you guys?" She asks curiously but I shake my head "You have school sweety. Josh and I will be gone for one day" she sighs and looks down at her fingers.

I knew she hated it when I left her, she always wanted to be around us, making sure we never left her or forgot her. It was something I knew she had trouble dealing with. Ever since her mother gave up on her and the ladies who took care of her at the orphanage told her the truth, she had a fear of being forgotten. I always made sure to include her in everything but now she had to understand that she doesn't need to be there for everything, that even though we didn't include her in small events, she would always be our little Everleigh.

"Evs look at me" she slowly lifts her head and her bright blue eyes find mine. "It's one night, you'll have a game night with mommy and daddy whilst I'm gone okay?" She bites her lip and shrugs making me sigh.

"Tomorrow night when I get back, I'll have a sister night with you, would you want that?" I ask curiously as a small smile pulls at her lips "Just me and you with a bunch of Disney movies, does that sound like fun?" She nods, her smile getting wider.

"Good" I smile "Can you hell me pack?" I question looking at my bag. "Yeah" she replies making look back at her. "You're the best sister ever" I admit kissing her cheek before pulling in for a hug.


"You two be safe and make sure you send me a text as soon as you get there" Topanga says causing Josh to roll his eyes but nod nonetheless. "Of course Pangers" he agrees "Can we go now?".

We were suppose to leave 20 minutes ago but Topanga wanted to make sure everything was okay before we left. She was honestly an overly protective mother.

She sighs but nods "Yes" she breathes out "Have a safe trip" she adds before I nod and pull her in for a hug "Thank you" I whisper causing her to tighten her arms around me "What they say doesn't matter, remember that you still have Josh and us" she murmurs.

I pull away and nod with a smile. "Bye" Josh waves before picking up my bag with his and taking my hand. We walk out of the building and walk where Josh's car is parked. He let's go of my hand and opens the back seat, he places our bags and I climb in the passenger side. He walks around and climbs in the driver's seat, he closes his door and takes a deep breath before looking at me with a smile.

"Ready?" I nod "Remember I can pull over whenever you want" he reminds me. "I know" I assure him "We have water, food, whatever you need you just tell me".

"Josh" I smile taking his hand in mine "I'm fine, can we just go?" He nods and leans forwards to kiss my cheek.

"Philly here we come" he says as he starts the engine and starts driving.


"Are you okay?" Josh asks glancing over at me before looking back at the road. I nod and bite my lip. "You know we can pull over?" He assures me, placing his hand on my knee and rubbing his thumb across my skin.

"I'm fine Josh" I assure him.

The truth was, I'm knowhere near fine. The entire ride I was doing fine, until I got hungry and decided to eat chips. That's when my stomach flipped and decided it didn't want chips. We were almost there and I really didn't want to pull over, no matter how much I really needed to.

He sighs and turns his car off to the side. I furrow my eyebrows in confusion "What are you doing?" I question just as he pulls over.

"You look pale, you're obviously not fine  and I really don't want you to throw up in my car" he explains before clinbingbout and walking over to my side. He opens my door and holds out his hand for me to take. He helps me out and as soon as I stand up my stomach officially decided it was done.

I end up throwing up right in front of Josh. Lovely. "Here" I look up and see Josh holding out a bottle of water. I shoot him a smile and grab from him, "Thanks" I mutter before taking a sip and spitting the water out.

"Feeling better?" He questions. I nod and stand up straighter "Much better, thanks" I smile making him shrug. "No probs babe" he smiles "You wanna take a little walk before going back in the car?" He asks sweetly. I shake my head and take a deep breath "I think I'm good" I assure him "To be honest I just wanna get this ride over with" I add. He nods and we both climb back in the car.

The rest of the drive goes by rather quickly and I'm quite thankful for that. It's not that I wasn't feeling well, but the fact that I've been sitting down for a while was killing me, I need to walk around and stretch my legs a little.

"We're here" Josh announces as he parks his car in the drive way of his old house. He looks at me and takes my hand "Do you want to tell them tonight or tomorrow?" He question making me sigh. "I don't know Josh" I shrug "Lets just get this over with".

"Tell me when you feel comfortable enough" I nod and look back at the house finding the front door being thrown open.

We both climb out and Josh gets our bags whilst Amy rushes towards me. Luckily when Josh and I announces we were dating, the family seemed to be thrilled, they always thought we were meant for each other. Now with a baby on the way, everyone will think differently.

"Maya" she gushes pulling me in for a hug "It's so nice to see you" she adds as I hugged her back. "It's nice to see you too Amy" I say as we pull away from each other.

"Josh" she smiles walking towards him "Hey mom" he smiles giving her a quick side hug. "How was the drive?" She asks curiously as we walk into the house "It was okay" Josh shrugs as we enter.

The house seems to never change. They always had the same old furniture, the same hanging pictures, the same carpet. The only thing that changed is their Tv, instead the the old one they got a flat screen.

"Dinner is almost ready and Allen should be getting back from work soon" she explains making me nod. "I think we'll get settled upstairs and we'll join you in the kitchen in a few minutes" Josh says taking my hand in his.

"Perfect" his mom smiles before making her way into the kitchen. Josh and I go upstairs and into his old room. He closes the door behind himself and places our bags on his desk chair.

I walk towards his bed and sigh. I feel Josh wrap his arms around my waist and I relax against him. "You know that whatever happens I'm still here for you and the baby right?" He asks causing me to turn around to look at him "Of course I do" I assure him. He smiles and lifts one of his hands before gently placing it against my cheek.

"I'll always be here" he whispers before leaning in and pressing his lips against mine in a soft kiss. "For you and the little pumpkin" he says once we pull away.

I furrow my eyebrows and tilt my head,  "Pumpkin?" I question making him shrug "We made him or her during halloween" he explains "It's a cute nickname" he adds making me shake my head in amusement.

"Plus it's gender neutral".

"You're such a dork" I giggle before leaning back in for another kiss.

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Go have fun!


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