7. Saved.

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As five minutes went by I realized what I was doing
I was holding his hand.

His hand.
A guy's hand.

I pull it back suddenly.

And a smirk appears on his face.
"Um,I should go home now" I say, turning away from him.

"Yeah I'll walk you home" he says , while picking something up from the road.

"No you don't have too" I reply back ,I feel weird with him. He makes me heart race and I don't like that.

I have never ever been in love.

But I know what love is like.
The people I loved are now gone or are crazy.

"Please I insist." I sense that he's not taking a no for an answer.

"Okay but you'll have to stop two blocks away from my house. You have to promise you won't stalk me and try to find out where I live."

"Those are a lot of restrictions." He says with curious green eyes.

" you don't have to walk me home then." I start walking away from him.

I just hope he stay there. Please don't walk me home

I don't want you to know the conditions I live in.

"Okay okay no following two block no stalking" he repeats the rules I told him. I nod slightly.


"Stop here now I can go from here."

Without saying a goodbye or even looking at him I start walking away. I don't wanna stare at those eyes. The sincerity in them makes me shiver.

I don't know why he wants to save me or make me smile. It's not like I'm something special. I just don't get it.

"Hey, I'll be waiting for you here" he says, making me stop walking.

"Because I'm walking you to school from tomorrow."
"Because Im afraid you might do something stupid."
"Because you are important now"

I don't know how to reply to that. So I look at him and his eyes. There's something in them that's telling me that I don't have to reply, all I have to do is believe him.

I know those eyes.

I can't remember but a part of my heart and my brain is telling me that I used to look in them all day. That the owner of those eyes used to make me smile every day.

But I can't remember him.

Maybe it's just me.
Maybe I'm just looking for reasons to believe him.

I walk away from him but the thought of his eyes and his words were still lingering in my mind.

I never believed in God but if he exists.

He's playing games that I'm not liking very much.
I'm standing at the front door. I don't wanna go back in. I can hear her and her boyfriend inside. They are watching the TV.

I decide to stay outside for a few minutes. Mentally preparing myself for what's about to come.

Mum is high again.

All hell is going to break lose the moment I step in.

I turn the knob as slowly as possible and open the door.
I look at my clothes they are still wet. She will accuse me of something again.

I try to sneak back into my room but her boyfriend startled me by saying "look who's here baby girl, it's our little angel."

I hate it when he calls me that. Only my dad can call me that.

I hate this man.

He took my mother away from me.

He's the reason why she's an addict. I want to kill him and feed him to dogs because that what he did to my heart and my physical state.

"DON'T call me angel, it feels disgusting" I spit back at his face.

I never talk back. Because I'm always afraid that it will do something to my mother.

A few months back, she collapsed in the middle on the road and the doctors told me that she is suffering from great stress. If it increases she will suffer from a heart attack.

I know it's stupid that I still care for her. But I cant lose her. She's my everything.

"Aw baby your mother is asleep, maybe I can make you scream, in bed" he looks at me with the same disgusting lust in his eyes. It makes me wanna vomit.

"You aren't capable of making me scream bastard." I growl back at him.

It all happened so suddenly that all I was able to take in that he pushed me down against the wall.

After a few seconds.

I feel his body grinding against me.

I want to scream but his hands are covering my mouth. He's tearing off my clothes.

I always avoided him because I knew he wanted to rape me. The way he used to look at me was gross.

Tears are going down my face. My head is hurting.

I should have committed suicide it was better than this.

Save me.

That's when I heard a growl from behind. And within seconds that bastard was on the floor.

I slide down and bury my head between my legs.
I want to disappear.

My eyes are closed but my ears are working.

He's throwing punches at him. He's beating the crap out of him.

I want that guy dead.

I look up trying to see who saved me.
And at first I thought i was crazy.

It was Elijah.
He saved me.
In a day..

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