5. Reason

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Elijah's P.O.V:
Flash back
* MUM! I scream while I
look at my dad kicking my mother.

"You cheater" he screams that and spits on my mothers face.

I was standing with the butlers arms around me, to stop me from getting into the beating.

I want to save her. I want to to help her.

I can't see properly , the tears are making me vision blurry.

But I see the blood coming out of my mothers head.

"DAD please stop." I cry out "please stop. Please don't hit her."

That's what cheaters deserve. They deserve to be starved, to be hit. They don't deserve an ounce of love son" he looks towards my mother with disgust in his eyes.

" Pl...ease Elijah.. go... To your room" my mother mumble out these words.

"Please" I beg him "please stop you'll kill her."
"Oh ,don't worry son. Death is a gift she isn't going to get so soon. "
These were the words I heard as the butler  was trying to lock me in my room.

"Please let me go I need to save her.""**

I just met a girl who is a walking mystery her eyes carry the sadness that's not visible if you don't pay attention to them.

Her name is Raven. It's so familiar. I feel like I know someone just like her. But I can't remember who.

She's different from all the girls I met and all my one night stands.

The one night stands tells a lot about a girl.

I am not a play boy.

I don't invite them.

They just throw themselves at me and I give them what they want.

For me they are just an escape. I don't care how it effects them but I never kiss and tell.

I really don't care about what people think of me.

Their little minds are not going to effect my life one bit.

It's not going to create a change in my monochrome routine.

Everything in my life is colorless.

But meeting Raven was different ,suddenly everything was not so dull.

I was going to the bridge when I found the baby.

I gave him to the orphanage.

But then I saw her.

I saw Raven in her blood covered clothes.

I panicked because I thought someone is after her. So I followed her just to make sure she's okay.

But when I saw her over that edge, horror took over my body.

I had to do something before she jumps.

And before I knew, I was running towards her and praying to God that I make it there on time.

When I behind her I said hey loudly to make her notice my presence.

My breathing was steady because I work out a lot.

She stopped and looked back. She was scared that I might question what she was doing over the edge or that I might tell someone. But I said nothing.

She's a very quiet person. I feel like shes not used to the talking.

But the way she reacted to everything I said was so unique. Like herself.

I wonder what a pretty girl like her is going through?
what is so horrible wrong with her life that she decided to end her life.


Whatever it was, it's still here.

Because of me she didn't jump off the bridge

She might be walking back to all the torture she was going to escape from.

When these thoughts flashed through my mind. I stopped walking.

Thinking about all of this is reminding me of my mother, who I was never able to save when my father was beating her to death.

The only thing I care about back then was being hurt and I wasn't able to do a single thing about it.

I wasn't powerful, I had nothing, no money, no opinion of my own.

I was a kid, completely helpless. And after she passed away. I stopped caring.

I didn't care if my father was bringing girls home or was dying in a ditch.

I stopped thinking about him as my father. He was murderer in my eyes. A person who killed his own wife.

I want to save Raven.

Those eyes deserve a shine.

Those lips deserve to smile.

I don't know how, I don't know if she'll even believe me.

Why would she? she doesn't even know me but somehow I think this might be the last chance to save myself.

Because I hate myself more everyday just because I wasn't able to help my mother it kills me. I can never forget the pain in her eyes. It's the same as Raven's eyes.

With all these thoughts I start running back to the bridge.

I need to see her.

I need to save her.

Please be there Raven.


Guys, this is it for the week.
I'll upload another chapter on Sunday next week.
I promise not to disappoint you all.

Thank you so much.

I love you


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