33 | and so they reach the stars

Start from the beginning

Elation crackles through her veins like snaps of pure electricity. The high of not thinking and just doing makes her feel more alive than anything.

Forget about Chris. Daniel. Vincent. Everything. Just taking the time to capture their own happiness.

She prances over to the group and beams at them. "I'm ready to go."

Ashton wears a humble smile and slips a hand around her waist. "I bet you are," he mumbles against her ear before kissing her cheek. "I can't wait."

"Ugh." Dea touches her heart and blinks back what can only be tears of joy. "You two are so precious. Even after everything, you're finding happiness. I'm so sorry about my brother." The glint in her eyes weakens for the briefest second. "What he did-"

"Don't apologize for him," Ashton grumbles. "You did nothing wrong."

"I know, but I know how he can get." She rubs her arm and glances off to the side. "He caused you guys so much pain. You lost so much. The worst part is, he thinks he's right. I know he does. I'll definitely be talking to him about this."

"Dea-" Ria starts.

"Ah." She holds up a manicured finger. "He's my brother and partially my responsibility. We don't have to forgive him, but I think he needs some real mental help."

Ashton folds his arms. "I could not agree more."

Sophia shuffles into the circle grinning like a fool with what looks like a tablet tucked under her arm.

Ria arches a brow. "Why are you so smiley?"

Sophia flips the tablet over and shoves it towards them. "Jared and Vivian are very disappointed that they aren't invited to your wedding."

On the screen is a slightly static video chat. Vivian is peeking over Jared's shoulder as he leans in to see them.

Ria's heart soars and her hand flies to her mouth. "Hey, guys! We were going to call you when we landed."

"How am I not invited to my best friend's wedding?" Jared demands and pushes his glasses up his nose. "You're the first one out of all of us to get married."

"Ashton and I just want to take the time that we can and just" — she shrugs — "celebrate our love away from everything. In Italy." Every time she says it, she can hardly believe herself.

She's dreamed of going back home since before she moved to America. In fact, the night she met Ashton that's all she could talk about until she fell asleep.

Jared huffs and mulls this over, rubbing his smooth jaw. "I guess I understand. I was just really looking forward to being your maid of honor."

"Excuse me?" Sophia demands and flips the screen over in her small hands. "That is my position."

Ria giggles at her friends and takes the tablet back. "How about after we come back and I have the baby, we'll have another ceremony for everyone? You and Sophia can both be my maid of honor."

He pretends to think and looks up toward the ceiling. "I suppose..."

Vivian pops her head in from the side and waves at them with a wide smile. "Hi! This technology is amazing. I can't believe you're getting married, Ashton. Congratulations to both of you. Is everything going to be okay?" she rambles on. "Can you take pictures? I'm really happy for you guys. I wish I could go."

"Thank you, Viv." Ashton chuckles. "We'll take plenty of pictures for you guys. We'll just have to find a photographer at the very last minute."

"I'm sure we can hire a college student eager to add something to their resume."

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