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The night was perfect. Namjoon was so happy that he had gotten the green light from you. He would have never imagined he would love someone as much as he loved Kyungmi. He had planned everything to perfection. He wasn't much of a cook so he had hired a chef to prepare everything. He himself had decorated with roses upon roses. Red and white rose petals scattered everywhere. He knew Kyungmi was sentimental so he had hung up pictures of the them on the ceiling. He was so proud of his hard work. Jaejoon was happy about what was happening. Namjoon had sat down and talked to him about Kyungmi becoming his official second mommy. He was so happy he could hardly contain himself. Namjoon was so happy to see his son as happy as he was. They were both matching in a navy blue suit anxiously waiting for Kyungmi to arrive.

Kyungmi had arrived to Namjoon's place. She was surprised to find everything decorated. "What's all this for?" She looked at Jaejoon in his suit. "Joonie! Aren't you the most adorable little boy in the world. I missed you my Joonie." "How was your day honey?" "It was busy, i'm just happy to see the both of you." "mama we are happy to see you too. I'm happy you are gonna be my real mama too." Namjoon quickly ran to Jaejoon trying to stop him but it was too late. "Kyungmi was confused and looked at Namjoon. "Well, the cat's out of the bag now." Namjoon kneeled down and grabbed Kyungmi's hand. "Choi Kyungmi, You came into my life when I needed you the most. You have been the light in the darkest of my times. I don't see anyone else when i'm with you. It would be an honor to be able to call you my wife. Will you marry me?" Kyungmi knelt down to look Namjoon in the eyes. "I would love to become part of your beautiful family."

Jaejoon's party was in about an hour. The house was decorated to the top with Elmo. Guest had started to arrive and you were so excited to see Jaejoon's reaction. He hadn't been home since Namjoon had taken him a couple days ago. The doorbell rang and you jumped up in excitement. "I'll get it!" Jimin said as he ran to the door. As soon as Jimin came into view Jaejoon cuddled up to his leg. "Dad!" "Hey buddy! How's the birthday boy!?" "I'm so happy dad! It's my birthday and I got a new mama." Jimin looked at him a bit confused. Namjoon Walked in with 4 birthday gifts in hand. Kyungmi followed behind carrying another two bags. "Hey guys, sorry we are a little late. Joonie couldn't pick out his clothes." "Here let me take those out back." "Thank you Ana." Namjoon said. "So Namjoon this must be Kyungmi?" Jimin asked as he shook Namjoon hand. "Yes this is Kyungmi. Kyungmi this is Jimin and this is Y/N. Jaejoon's mother and step dad. " she bowed and then hugged you. It's so nice to finally meet you. "Nice to meet you too." You said in a harsh voice. Namjoon Gave you a side eye glanced. "Well as Y/N already knows. I actually proposed to Kyungmi a couple nights ago and well she said yes. That's why Jaejoon keeps calling her second mommy." "I hope you both don't mind." She said. "Not at all, welcome to the family." Jimin said as he hugged her. You nodded "Welcome." You smiled and left to find Jaejoon. "Did I do something wrong?" Kyungmi asked Namjoon. "I'm sorry about her. She is just stressing about the party. But please go on in the party is in the backyard." Jimin said as he led everyone out back.


I was cursing at myself for acting stupid. I was in the bathroom when the I heard a knock. "Y/N? Are you in there?" "Yes Jimin, I'll be right out. I don't feel so good." "Open the door. I can help you baby." "NO! Its okay, go find Jaejoon and show him around. I'll be right out." Jimin sighed "Alright. We'll be outside okay, don't take too long." I hadn't noticed I was crying. My eyes were swollen and red from the tears. I felt like my heart was on fire. I acted a fool in front of Namjoon and his girl- I mean fiancé and it made me feel so shity. I guess I liked Namjoon more than I let myself feel. Way more. I walked out of the bathroom after a couple minutes only to bump into Namjoon. "Hey are you alright? You acted a bit mean with Kyungmi. What's wrong have you been crying?" He said as he rubbed your arm. "I'm fine, I'm sorry I was rude. I just have a lot on my mind." I said as I tried to avoid his eyes. "Okay, but if you ever need anything I'm here for you." He smiled wide making his dimples more visible. "Thank you. So I'm happy for your engagement ." I said in a small voice. "Thank you Y/N it means a lot that the mother of my child approves. I actually came to see if you could help me with something. I know how you started your party planning business and I was wondering if you could set something up for the engagement announcement party?" I gulped and put on a fake smile "oh, of course. I'll set it up with...Kyungmi. When is it for?" "Well we want to make things official as soon as possible. So maybe in two weeks? Kyungmi wants a fall wedding so we have no time to waste." "Wait...so you would be getting married in about 6 months?" "Well more like 7, in September." He smiled. It hurt my heart to hear all of this, but at the same time I felt so happy seeing him like this. I had never seen him smile this much other than Jaejoon's birth. "Well I guess we better hurry with everything." "Thank you Y/N." He kissed my forehead and led me to the backyard by my hand. How could I have not seen it before. How perfect this man was.

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