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You had felt a little strange seeing Namjoon. He wasn't acting like himself and it made you feel nice. You actually enjoyed seeing this side of him. You felt a little sad seeing him go so sudden. You started feeling guilty for missing him. And what was worse was that you were getting butterflies just thinking of Namjoon.  Once you arrived home Jimin had greeted you at the door. "Y/N you're home!" He hugged. "Hi love." You said as you freed yourself from his hug. "How did things go? How is your husband?" Your heart skipped at the word husband. "Namjoon is fine." "Namjoon? Not jerk, or asshole?" You could hear the irritation in Jimin's voice. "Yea whatever, it is his name." You said annoyed. "Look babe, I don't want to fight. I'm tired. Can you come and cuddle with me ?" Jimin and you cuddled for the rest of the day.

Two weeks had gone by so fast and if you had to be honest with yourself you were excited to see Namjoon. You hadn't stopped thinking of him since your lunch and it made you feel a little guilty. Jimin had been so good to you and now he was meeting you in the hospital as well.

You were so nervous when you arrived to the hospital. Today was the big day. You were finding out if the embryo had attached.


When I walked in I was a little surprised to see Jimin and Namjoon sitting next to each other. "Hi honey! We are in next. Your friend is here to help us out with anything." Jimin looked a little confused but went along with the lie. "Yes, I'll be here for whatever you need." I nodded finding it a little awkward pretending. "Mr. and Mrs. Kim, come this way. My heart was beating so fast I thought I was going to faint. Namjoon must have noticed by my facial expression because he quickly took my hand in his. "Thank you for being patient. Because of the blood sample provided by you yesterday we have the results." You could swear you could here Namjoon's heartbeat. "Congratulations, the embryo attached successfully. After today we will send you with prenatal vitamins and do some tests to make sure everything on mommy is perfect. I'll leave you two alone to discuss ." The doctor walked out and all I could do was touch my stomach. "I'm pregnant." I whispered. "With my baby. I can't express how much this means to me. It means more than you will ever imagine." He grabbed my face and stroked my cheeks with his thumbs. His touch felt so nice. "Thank you Y/N for making me the happiest man alive." He was crying and I didn't know why but all I could do was kiss him. It was a different kiss. Not like the ones he had stolen from me before. It was sweet, and I could feel his love. Or something like love. "I'm sorry I shouldn't have." I said as I slowly pulled away." "It's fine." He smiled. And for the first time I actually felt it to be genuine. I hadn't even realized he had dimples before today. I guess today was just special.


After the doctor's office you left with Namjoon and Jimin went to work. Jimin was so excited for your pregnancy. He had told you that it didn't matter that it wasn't his baby. That because this child was part of you he was gonna love it no matter what. It made you so happy that you had both men loving this unborn child. Even if Namjoon didn't love you you were hoping his child would change him for the better.

Months had gone by and you could definitely see the change in everyone. Jimin had set time aside to be with you and pamper you. He was very attentive and always got you anything you wanted. Even the mushroom pizza at 11 at night. Namjoon would go over to your condo when Jimin wasn't around. He had a room built in for your child. And would always bring gifts for your unborn baby. Sometimes it made you feel a bit strange because he would take you out and you would go on dates for the world to see. You knew it was for publicity but it still felt nice. "Namjoon, can we get some ice cream next?! I've been craving it all week and Jimin won't let me have any." You said as you walked back to the car. "Y/N we already had sweets during the movie. Too much candy is not good for our baby." You pouted and walked ahead of him. "Can you take me home!" You said angrily. You knew you were being dramatic, but all these hormones had you acting out. He nodded as he drove in silence. Once you arrived to your condo he finally spoke. "I'm sorry for not giving you everything you want. It's just I care too much for you...and our baby." At that moment you didn't care. You were just upset. You nodded and left him in the car, not caring for what else he had to say. "Ahhhh! Mrs. Kim, what are you doing here?" "What do you mean Ana? I live here." "Do you need something to eat or drink? I can make you something." "No Ana , thank you. I'm going to go rest." "Mrs. Kim I don't think that's a good idea." She said in a shaky voice. "What is it Ana?" "Well Mr. Park is upstairs and he is a little umm busy." You didn't listen to anymore. You quickly walked upstairs being quiet at the same time. You opened the door to your room. But Jimin wasn't there. You then walked to the dance studio and he wasn't there either. You had given up when you heard a muffled scream from the office Namjoon never bothered to take out . You slammed the door open. You couldn't believe what was happening. "Y/N! What are you doing here!?" He said as he pulled up his pants. "What are you doing here so early, and with her!" You didn't notice you were shaking, the next thing you felt was a sharp pain on your lower back. And then darkness.

Namjoons POV

Y/N was being so hormonal it was almost funny. But I had learned from previous experiences to not tease her. I parked the car and took the stuff she had bought for our baby up. "Mr. Kim, hurry! It's Mrs. Kim. She collapsed in the office! I already called the ambulance." I dropped the bags and ran upstairs. My heart sank when I saw Y/N in Jimin's arm. What happened? How did this happen." Jimin was crying and screaming. I pulled her from his arms. "What are you doing!? They will be here any second." "No, I'll take her it will be faster." I carried her down to the car and placed her in the back seat. "Where am I ?" "It's okay baby! I'm here. Please stay calm. Be strong."

"Mr. Kim, your wife is stable. She is okay if you want to go in to be with her." "But what happened? When I got home she was on the floor. Well she had some sort of shock and well it kicked her into labor but it is only the beginning. It could take anywhere from 8-15 hours." "But she is only 8 ½ months pregnant!" "Mr. Kim the baby is big enough to come. We might keep them a couple extra days but it won't be to dangerous for either." Just as I was going to go in I saw Jimin arrive. "How is she?" "They are fine, but what I want to know is what happened? Why did she faint. What shocked her so much to faint like that." "Look right now Y/N is the most important. Let's focus on her and then we can talk." "You're right Jimin. Come on, let's go." He nodded and followed me into the room.


I still felt a little dizzy, but all that mattered to me was my baby's health. Knowing that he/she was fine kept me at ease. "Y/N, can we come in?" "Yes Namjoon, wait we?" Before he could answer he walked in accompanied by Jimin. All of this was his fault. If he wouldn't have done this I would not be here. "Namjoon, he shouldn't be here." I said staring into Jimin's eyes. "It's okay Y/N. Everyone thinks he's your friend. They won't suspect a thing. "It's not that. I don't want him here. He put our baby in danger." As soon as I said that, I regretted it. "What the fuck did you do? You said you didn't know anything!" Namjoon grabbed Jimin by the shoulders pinning him to the wall. "Answer me you piece of shit." All Jimin could do was shake is head and cry. I finally found my voice "When I got home he was in your office fucking his dance partner. It was too much for me and that's why I passed out." That was all it took to send Namjoon over the edge. "How could you do this to her. She loves you more than anyone and you decide to pull this shit." Namjoon had started punching Jimin in the stomach. But Jimin stood still, taking every single punch. "Fight back! You were man enough to fuck another girl in her house! Fight back you fucking bastard." Namjoon pushed Jimin on the floor. When Jimin didn't get up he gave him a hard kick to his side. "Stop! Please stop!" I said as I tried getting up. "Namjoon stop, please! You're going to kill him!" "He deserves it! Why would he hurt someone like you. Why would he waste your love." I finally got up and scurried to them. I hugged Namjoon's side making him automatically stop. Jimin slowly got up, his left eye beginning to bruise and blood dripping from his mouth. I grabbed a tissue and handed it to him. All of a sudden I felt a warm trickle down my legs. "Namjoon...Namjoon I think my water broke." I said as I reached for his arm. "Y/N, come here slowly." He led me to the bed so I could lay back down. I looked down and his hands were bloody. "I'll go get the doctor." Jimin said as he left the room.

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