New Life

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I felt like I couldn't breathe. How could I be so stupid? Why did I hit her? She will never love me if I keep doing these stupid things. I had so much anger towards myself that I started pounding my fists in the steering wheel. Suddenly I heard a knock on the glass. I looked up thinking it was Y/N. It was him, Jimin. I unlocked letting him in the car. He slowly climbed in. "Can we talk?" He said in a whisper. I nodded. "Look, before Today I thought you were this heartless jerk. Y/N tells me a lot of the things you do. And things you say to her. But even though you do those things...I think you like love her." Jimin stayed quiet waiting for my response. "I don't love her. But I do feel something for her. Seeing that picture of her with you made something in me snap. But it doesn't matter. She hates me and she will never forgive me for anything that has happened." I looked down at my hands, they were throbbing and red. "I know. And I would like to say that it will change but it won't. That's why I followed you here. I want to beg for her freedom. I love her with all my being and she loves me too." Hearing those words stung, but I knew he was right. "I can't let her go, we both have a duty to our families." I shook my head. Hearing myself made me mad. I sounded so stupid. "I understand." He said. He opened the door to leave. "Wait!" He closed the door and sat back down. "I can't let her go, but you can still see each other. You just have to do it more carefully. You can move here. I will move back to my old apartment. We will make it a scene so everyone thinks we moved. Then you can come here and make her happy." I couldn't believe what I was saying. "Are you sure? Is that okay with you?" I nodded . "It is as long as you make her happy." In that moment I realized how much I actually cared for her. "There is a small problem, my father and mother are expecting a grandchild soon." "That's gonna be a problem." Jimin said as he brushed his hair back. "I know, but I think I have a solution.


Jimin and Namjoon walked up to the condo in silence. You had changed and were now laying down on your bed. You felt so bad for what had happened that you couldn't help but cry. You were also crushed that Namjoon had laid a hand on you. A knock on the door made you jump. "Go away Namjoon. I don't want to see you right now." "Please open the door baby." You shot up so quick, that the room spun. "Jimin? What are you doing here?" You said as you opened the door. "We need to talk with you." Both men stepped in making your heart beat faster. "Look Y/N, I know I have been an ass with you. And even if it doesn't seem like it, I care for you. You are a sweet girl and you deserve to be happy. I am letting you be with Jimin, but only if you are careful. I don't want what happened tonight to repeat itself. He is moving into this condo with you and I will move out tonight. I will send someone for my stuff so you don't have to worry about any of that. I will keep paying for everything that you need because at the end of the day you are still my wife." He looked so sad, but you couldn't understand why. You thought it was probably because for once he couldn't get something he wanted. "There is a problem." Jimin said as he took you to the bed to sit. "Namjoon's Mother is asking for a grandson." "I am not having sex with you." Jimin squeezed your hand. "You don't have to, We can do it through a doctor. They will inseminate you with my sperm." He was facing out the window, and for some reason he sounded sad. "Namjoon i'm not ready to have children." He turned around to look at you. "Please Y/N, you know my father's situation." A tear fell down his eyes. And that was all it took. "Alright, I will do it." You walked up to him and hugged him. He hugged you back which surprised you. You stood on your tip toes and placed a small kiss on his wet cheek. "Thank you for this." He nodded and slowly walked out.

Namjoon had kept his word. His secretary had come to pick up some of his clothes for work. You had hid Jimin in your room making sure she didn't see him.

3 Months Later

Jimin had been so great. He was always sweet and caring, but now that you saw each other everyday things started to change. He was so focused on dancing that he didn't have nearly as much time for you. It made you upset and you would confront him about it, which always ended up in an argument. He was a very jealous boyfriend. You tried hanging out with your best friend Mark and he had gotten so pissed the night before.

"Where are you going Y/N?" He asked as you were about to leave. "I'm going to the doctors. Today is the insemination. You were supposed to come with me." You said frustrated. "Baby you know I would go but I have practice before tonight's play. I don't have any time." He tried hugging you from behind but you shrugged him off. "You never have time for me. What happened to the old Jimin. The sweet and caring Jimin." "I don't have time for this." He kissed your cheek and walked away.

Namjoon POV

Living alone in this huge apartment felt so lonely. Even though I constantly fought with Y/N I missed her. Not every single day was bad. We actually had some fun when we had to pretend to be a loving couple. Today was the first time in 3 months that I would see Y/N. I felt nervous and also excited. Even if I wasn't with her I would have a small piece of her in this child. Even if she doesn't love me, this child would love me forever more. I'm just a fool that realized the love I had until it was too late. 

"Sorry I'm late. There was a lot of traffic." I said as I sat down next to Y/N." "Its okay honey, we were just about to start." Even though Y/N was acting. It always made my heart skip a beat when she called me by cute names. I expected her to look happier than ever, but she had bags under her eyes and her eyes were swollen. "Please lay down, I will prepare everything for the doctor to come in." You nodded and grabbed my hand. It felt so small in my hands. And for a second I wished more than ever that you were mine.

"So how have you been?" I said as we walked out of the doctors office. "I have been well. How about you?" "I've been well" I lied. "I should get back. You must be busy anyway." she said as she turned away. "Well, we could go to lunch. I mean if you aren't busy." "really? You want to go to lunch?" she looked shocked. "Umm yes, if you would like to. I know this delicious place around here." I was hoping with all my heart that she would agree. "Ah, alright. Lets go." "Really? I mean okay. Lets go, I parked this way." I was so surprised she had actually agreed.

Lunch had gone great. We actually talked instead of fighting. "So I had a good time Namjoon, I'm shocked you didn't pick a fight today." She said as she playfully punched my arm. "Please be careful for the next 2 weeks. I will go back with you to get the blood work done to see if everything went well." She nodded and gave me a hug. I hugged her tight and caught a whiff of her perfume. "I miss you." I let the words slip out. "What?" She asked as she let go of me. "Nothing, I have to go. See you in 2 weeks." I walked to the car cursing at myself. "I had the perfect chance to tell how I felt. But I couldn't do this to her. She was happy with Jimin and I couldn't take that from her.

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