The World of Children

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Coal is at peace. His mission was done and rest was his reward. The sensation of being suspended in air in a land that can only be described as an aurora of light. Music permeates the air, that of the songs of angels. That is the way to describe where Coal and what state he was in. But slowly he is being let down like being lowered on a gurney. Lower and lower he descends from Heaven. To the ocean. And as he descends into the ocean a wave current washes him to an island. The Isle of Children. Here Coal makes his mark in the New World.

Hours pass before he awakens he gets up and standing before him is a jungle. More like a swamp. No calls of the wild can be heard. Making it that much eerie. A stone boulder that has been carved into a head is the only sign that this grim grotto was inhabited. Or at least formerly. Their is a trail nearby that can be seen. The statue has a mesmerizing quality to it, it's eyes were faded rubies and its mouth was in a pout. All other human like features end there as the rest of the features make it clear this wasn't human. It has deer antlers on its head and snakes for hair. It's ears were sharp and pointy.And what little of the teeth shown was sharpened into serrated edges. A demon.

As Coal moves deeper into the jungle, trying to get farther away from the stony visage. He notices rustling from up above in the canopy as he walks the path. As he walks on the path he finds that it's twists and turns almost has an unnatural and alien symmetry. Many times he thought he was going around in circles, almost as if he was under the spell of illusion cast by a evil spirit. Other times he sees new landmarks that weren't their previously. It was almost as if the forest was malevolent and alive. Though he didn't hear any fauna before entering he does now. Animals he saw were strangely unfriendly and unhealthy. Even the birds, as their cries sounded almost human. Like tortured screams. Many of the animals were covered in blood, Coal never knew nor found out if it was the animals' own or something else. Flies were rampant in the gory foliage. What may be a good explanation would be that the water in the rivers he sometimes had to cross was blood red itself. Something seriously wrong happened here. That's when a clearing appeared right in front of his eyes through the jungle thicket. And he saw an unholy site.

Animalistic creatures were laughing and giggling in a scene of demonic carnage,psychotic mayhem, nihilistic glee and carnal hedonism. These creatures were dancing and cavorting before demonic animal statues. Their altars had what looked like brown yams from Coal's vision as well as incense and draped with entrails. And the creatures were drinking a red liquid that from what his nostrils could tell was metallic, blood. They were also eating something that looked like cooked small limbs of an animal with little fur. As if in entranced horror he left his hiding place and went forward. Upon closer inspection these creatures were children wearing live animal heads. The liquid was blood. And the carcasses being eaten were human children. Standing before these unholy rites was a woman with the veiled headress of a Toucan. A spear of gore in her hands.And she is looking directly at Coal. Her hand beckoning toward him. Coal noticed the partying has ended in dead silence. Not even the flies were buzzing.
"Ah Coal, Son of Fire, I knew you were to come and stop my partying. What brings you here, perhaps a dip with me in our 'cleansing pool'."
She gestures toward a pond of dark liquid. Coal walks toward it mesmerized. But then he jolts himself awake and realizes before he jumps in this is a combination of acid and blood as a strand of hair fall off his head lands in the pool and is dissolved. He pulls out his kunai knife. And is about to attack her when everyone hears a loud yell.
"Heathens and invaders of this land begone!"
And from that a radiant light bathes the unholy sight.
The next everyone knows their is a sound of arrows being fired. And the battle shouts which can only be that of children.

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