Chapter 2, Part 5: Felipe's concern/ Jules' Warning

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He was pacing around his room in the middle of the night.

Felipe felt restless and confused with his feelings. He just can't get the image of Atalanta out of his head.

The way she smiles, her hair, her face and most especially her eyes. He would do anything just so he could stare into those eyes forever.

Finally, he reclined into his bed, with his arm on his forehead.

"Water goddess... When will I see you again?" he sighed.

He knows that it's getting late, and he blames her for keeping him up at this hour. His feet and legs stood up but he was too lazy too care.

Milk might be a good help for him to get some sleep. And he knows where to go and it was the kitchen.

Some of the lights were already off in the house. Then he reached the stairs, he held a tight grip on the railing, scared that he might stumble in the dark.

He headed left after he got down the stairs. But when he got sight of the kitchen, he saw the lights were still on.

"Oy, Mama Isabelle!" He rejoiced when he saw Mama Isabelle, their cook, who was still up and preparing something.

"Oh Felipe! Why are you still awake?" she said.

"Nah, I couldn't sleep... How about you, Mama?" he asked as he sat at the kitchen counter.

She made Felipe get down the counter then she mixed first the bowl of cream before speaking, "I'm preparing tomorrow's breakfast so I wouldn't have to do it all in the morning!"

Felipe smiled and met Mama's eyes, "I'm sure you'd want some milk?" she endearingly asked.

"How did you know I wanted milk?" Felipe teased.

"You couldn't sleep, so for sure, you are here to get some milk."

Felipe snapped his fingers, "Very good, Mama!"

"I wouldn't be called a cook, boy if I also don't know what people want to eat." she beamed at him.

Felipe leaned on the counter now, then an idea came to his mind.

"Mama, there's something I want to ask you."

Mama nodded, "Go on."

He shifted in his place and crossed his arms on his chest.

"Uhm... Do you know anything about the water goddess?" He innocently asked.

Mama Isabelle halted from mixing the cream and placed it down.

"Well..." and she placed her hands on her hips, "The water goddess, or as we call her Iara... Well she's a goddess of course, she favors those who are good to sea creatures but she loathes those who plunder and destroy the sea."

Felipe tried to flash his poker face but actually, he already knows about that fact.

"What does she look like?" He asked again.

"Oh nobody knows! She changes appearance every time. One time she is a woman, an old woman, a mermaid, a girl--"

"A girl?" Felipe cutted in.

"Yes, a girl. But just a few kilometers from here, there's a shrine that stands in honor of the water goddess. If you want to see what she looks like, you'll see a large statue of her there." Mama explained.

Felipe wanted to be contented with what Mama Isabelle had already shared, but he wanted to know more.

"But, who is she? Does she just randomly appear or something?"

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