Chapter 2, Part 2: First meeting

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"You're a what?" Felipe replied confusedly.

"I am the Water Goddess." She sternly declared, with such authority in her tone.

Felipe was amazed for someone small like her, she had that strong aura. It made him see her at an equal level. He observed her, he can tell that she stood around five foot and three or four inches in height.

He then blinked, looked around and took a step forward as he was about to speak.

"Okay... Listen, I have to get home--" but she took a fast step backwards when he approached her.

There was a moment of silence between them, but Felipe raised his hand,

"Listen, I'm not gonna hurt you. I just-- I just need to get home. Where exactly are we?"

"Under the sea, here in my cave." she indifferently replied.

He cringed and agitatedly muttered, "Okay but, where are we? Are we still in Rio? And... I want to know how can I get home, and I want to know what happened to my Dad! Or... Or just..."

His voice trailed off with a sigh. She could see the pain in him, he must've been doing something important before the storm, but she's too confused what to tell him.

He slumped on the seaweed mat, with his hands clamping his head.

"I'm Atalanta..." her voice was like a gentle whisper to his ears.

He looked up and met her eyes, "Felipe... Felipe Sanders."

Then he looked around, "How... How are you living in this cave, under the sea? How are you even possible?" There was fascination in his voice, though he knows that he's already tired and in a trance.

"I consume the strength of the sea waves, I eat only seaweeds and clams..." and Felipe can tell that she is serious when she said that.

And he snickered as he sat up.

"Water Goddess, huh? Water? Aren't you supposed to be in a lake or something?"

"My powers are stronger here in the ocean, where water is abundant."

Felipe smiled at Atalanta, but this confused her.

"Why are you smiling?" and her eyes squinted with inquisition.

"What? Oh... It sounds amusing."

"What is?"

"Your... Story."

"You don't believe me?" she spoke through her teeth.

"No! No! I... I believe you!" He replied quickly, hoping that he didn't offended her.

"You don't believe me, then let me show you!"

She lifted her right hand and suddenly, something moved on one of the pools. Felipe jumped when he heard that, then after that, Atalanta conjured a serpent made out of water from the pool.

He ran to the other side as the serpent slithered towards him, then he saw her control the creature with her powers.

The serpent got closer at his feet, and it made him stand back at the cave walls. The serpent craned its neck and it got taller, till it was as tall as him.

Felipe closed his eyes as the serpent was about to get closer to his neck, when in a snap... Atalanta placed her hand down, and the serpent turned to water again that spilled on to the stone floor.

"I can do more than that and those are the things you don't want to experience." She bragged.

He looked at her with his mind utterly blown.

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