Untangling Some Complicated Ties

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Nandini and Manik broke the hug and there was no sign of awkwardness. They settled on the respective seats in the study to discuss about the project.

Manik:- Nandini you said that it's Aarav and Ruhi's birthday after 14 days but as far as I know they aren't twins?
Nandini:- No they aren't twins and have a gap of 7 years but luckily both the siblings share the same birth date.
Manik:- Oh like that! By the way, I did meet Ruhi but couldn't get a chance to meet Aarav.

At the same time Aarav barged in the library.

Aarav:- Can I have a minute with you Ms Murty?
Nandini:- Oh, looks like someone is really angry! Why is my baby angry?
Aarav:- Don't baby me maasi maa!!

While turning towards Manik.

Aarav:- Hello gentleman! I am really sorry for my inhospitable behavior but the lady in front of you happens to be my one and only maasi maa who is absolutely careless about her health and her eating habits.
Manik:- I agree young man! By the way, hi, I am Manik.
Aarav:- Hi, I am Aarav! You are the lead singer of Fab 5? I love your music Mann! And your last concert was a blast!
Manik:- Thanks alot champ! By the way you attended my concert?
Nandini:- Not only that concert but all of your concerts from past 6 years. He made us attend all of them!
Manik:- Vov! That is a news Mann! Thank you so much, it really means a lot! I didn't know The Murty's are my fans! He exclaimed!
Nandini:- Don't flatter about yourself Manik.
Aarav:- Will you play music with me once? He asked hesitantly.
Manik:- Of course champ! Anything for you.
Aarav:- Thanks!
He kneeled down in front of Nandini and said "Maasi maa, I know I was rude but you are all what I have. After mom I can't afford to loose you. I will won't be able live. Please please don't pull such stunts on me again. Yesterday when I didn't find you in your room, I was scared."

Nandini hugged him tightly and both had tears in their eyes. Manik was shocked to see Aarav like that because as Mishkat told him he was the arrogant Murty. Nandini wiped his tears and kissed his forehead and then Aarav left. Nandini saw Manik in some deep thoughts. She understood he was thinking about Aarav.

Nandini:- Aarav is like that but he won't show his vulnerable side to anyone except me. He is protective of me.
Manik:- Nandini you are his mother, he has always seen you in that place and you I feel proud to have you as a friend. I have never seen anyone like you. Girls of your age are so busy in their personal life that they don't understand the meaning of the word family, love, care.

He said the last line with frustration and anger. Nandini sensed it.

Nandini:- Manik at times we have really bad experiences with some people but that doesn't mean that we should stick to it. Forgive and move on. Forgive not for that person but for your ownself, then only you will be able to be happy whole heartedly and move on for a blissful beginning. It's important for you to get a closure for your ownself. I won't say that it's easy but just give it a thought. And remember that you are not alone you have your family, friends and me too holding your back.

Manik was amazed to know that even without knowing his story she said the truth. He was happy to have her by her side. Suddenly Nandini's phone rings and she answers it. After talking to the person she told him that she will be there.

Manik:- Where do you think you are going Ms Murty?
Nandini:- Manik please try and understand, it's really important for me to go else everything will be messed up. I promise to take care of myself and will be back in an hour. Till then you need to cover up for me.
Manik:- You know na Bhai and even Abhimanyu will be angry along with Aarav.
Nandini:- Manik it's really an urgency. And don't worry, Navya will be there with me. She's a close friend. I will be back soon.
Manik:- Okay, but promise me that you will take care of yourself and if anything happens you will call me.
Nandini:- Pakka promise!

She rushes out whereas Manik thinks that why is he worried for her so much? Firstly he offered her friendship and wanted to be her best friend which is so not him and now this!

Whereas Nandini and Navya reach Dhawan Textiles and Nandini asks Navya to wait outside and come in only when she tells her to. Nandini  reaches in and Cabir is surprised to see her. Before proceeding with the meeting, Nandini asks Mr Dhawan(Cabir's father) to talk to her alone as she wanted to discuss something. They talk for about an hour and come out. As Dhawan Textiles was running on huge losses Murty Empire bought their shares and now were the 75% share holders of Dhawan Textiles. Cabir and Nandini signed the papers and Nandini blinked her eyes as if assuring Cabir something.

Soon it was time to announce the new CEO and MD of the company.

Nandini:- So let me introduce you to the new CEO of the company, please put your hands together for Ms Navya Naveli.

With that Navya walked in and the Dhawan's were shocked to see her. She greeted everyone formally.

Nandini:- And introducing you to the man of honour and MD of the company Mr Cabir Dhawan.

This came as another shock to Cabir.

Nandini:- Mr Dhawan as you being the MD of my company, I would like to have a word with you.

With this they moved to a separate room.

Cabir:- Ms Murty, why are you doing this favour on me?
Nandini:- Cabir, I am not doing any favour on you. Navya is just not my friend but my soul sister. But she didn't tell me anything. It was Mrs Anupama.
Cabir:- What?
Nandini:- She wanted to use you as her puppet. She knew if Navya came in your life you will continue with the music. Everything will fall into place but she didn't want that. She wanted you to quit music so she instigated your father against Navya and your relationship by saying that she will take away his son from him. She wanted to be 51% share holder so that she rule. Also she blackmailed your father for your well being.
When I was approached for the partnership, being in my nature I had to dig out all the details so it could be safe for my company to invest and then got to know this bloody game. I had to end it, so this is not a favour. I am still your boss so you can pay me back by working hard, earning profits and taking this company to a new height. Cabir, when I saw you for the first time in college, I didn't have a clue that you were Navya's Cabir but I saw that spark in you but you had that sadness, your smile didn't reach your eyes and also I had heard alot about you from Mishkat, you know I saw a glimpse of my father in you so I had to do this. I am sorry if I have hurt you, I didn't intend to interfere.

Cabir was in tears, the girl who merely knew him for 3 days could see in his eyes and soul. He collected himself and wanted to say alot of things but Nandini understood.

Nandini:- I know you are going through a tsunami of emotions and don't thank me Cabir, just promise me to take care of Navya and make her happy. And also that whatever may happen you will be with her. Also that you would be the same, circumstances are difficult but it shouldn't change you and your pure heart cause it's difficult to find people like you.
Cabir:- I will accept all this and will promise you but I need something in return. He paused for a second and said " I want the honour of being a brother to you, a friend with whom you can share your craziest wishes, I want the right to protect you, support you and want you as my younger sister. By now you know that I never knew what is family, then Fab 5 came and Navya, they were the only people around whom my life revolves. But still none of them could see what you did, so can I have the pleasure of being a brother to this little angel? Can I have you in this small family?"

Nandini was in tears.

Nandini:- It will be my honour Bhai!
Cabir:- What did you just call me?
Nandini:- Bhai! I am sorry if you didn't...
Cabir:- Pagal, I loved it! And from now you are my Choti!
And get this thing you have absolute right on me, and everything that is mine is yours so never hesitate before saying anything. We are a team!
Nandini:- Of course Bhai!

With this Cabir hugged her and peaked her forehead with brotherly affection.

#Keep loving

MANAN :- This Roller Coaster Ride is Our Life! Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora