SPACE:- Relishing and Making Memories

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A new day was all set to welcome some new bonds with open arms. Well no one knew what destiny had stored for them.
Fab 5 along with Mishkat, Raj and Nyonika reached Space . Raj and Nyonika had to meet the authorities so made their way to the principal's office while the younger clan moved to the canteen. They wanted to go to their jam room but got to know that the keys were with the president of the college and they had to wait until she wishes her presentation and meet them herself.

While on the other hand Nandini was all set with her presentation which included the ideas for improvement of the college and of course the upcoming MUSICANA.

In the Canteen
Cabir:- Guys, let's order something, I am damn hungry!
Manik:- And here comes the all time famous foddie!!
Cabir:- Don't dare to put your evil eye in my food Malhotra!

Cabir asks everyone about their choices and moves to place their order. Meanwhile everyone was surprised to see the famous alumni band Fab 5 there!
In the meantime Fab 5 chatted amongst themselves. They gave a damn to the people.

Mukti:- Mishkat, who is the president? As in since the time I have entered the college I have been hearing about her constantly. As in for the very first time I am hearing such praises for the president. Else people would back bitch as all the presidents of SPACE have been popular for using their power and authority.
Mishkat:- That's her magic. And trust me you are gonna love her. She is just an angel in disguise.
Mukti:- Vov Mann! You seem to be in love with her? What's happening?
Mishkat:- Obviously I love her! Who won't?

Manik and everyone else were surprised hearing this from him. In the mean time a guy came towards Mishkat and said, "Mishkat, you are here and Nancy was looking for you everywhere, she seemed tensed!" Hearing these words Mishkat zoomed out of the corridor and went to look for Nancy!
Mukti enquired the guy that who Nancy was and they got to know that she was the president of the college. Everyone found it strange and thought Mishkat had a girlfriend about whom they didn't have any idea. Even Manik thought the same. In the meantime Nandini was summoned to the conference room to present her presentation. She did it with utter dedication and everyone was in her awe. While everyone left the conference room after the presentation leaving Nandini, principal and Mrs & Mr Malhotra behind.

Raj:- Ms Murty, how come you are here?
Nandini:- Sir, please call me Nandini, I am a student here.
Raj:- Okay, but only if you call us uncle and aunty rather than sir or Mr Malhotra Everytime we meet!
Nandini:- For sure uncle.
Nyonika:- God bless you my child! The presentation was just amazing. I truly get it why Raj and Manik were praising you till such an extent.
Nandini:- It's nothing like that aunty!
Principal:- She won't take compliments Mrs Malhotra, kind of not good for her health.
Nandini:- It's nothing like that.

With this the principal asks Nandini to prepare for the upcoming MUSICANA, meet the alumni band as they are already in the college and leaves with Raj and Nyonika. Here Mishkat couldn't find Nancy he comes back to the canteen to Fab 5.

Suddenly, there is a lot of hustle and bustle in the corridor and Nandini is running as fast as she could as if running for her life. Here, Fab 5 gets their order and Mukti, Cabir and Manik are about to have drinks when
THAWSHHH!!! There's is a loud bang with which their drinks are on the floor along with Nandini and as she fell on the glasses which pierced in her abdomen skin, but still she got up with Mishkat's help who was shocked to the core while Fab 4 were just too numb to react to what had happened while Alya roared on Nandini.

Alya:- You bloody bitch, how could you? You middle class girls always throwing yourself on rich people. You slut whore what the hell do you think of yourself? Your cheap tricks will help you succeed in these matters?
Mishkat:- Not a word Alya before I forget that you are a girl and that too a member of Fab 5.
Nandini:- Stop it Miku! We don't have time for all this!

And then she shouted on the top of her voice, " Is any drama going on here? Out all of you!"
(Everyone was shocked to see all time sweetheart, their favorite president shouting like that! Everyone left without any word except the canteen staff, Fab 5, Mishkat and Nandini.
Before Mishkat could realize anything Nandini moved towards the canteen staff, while Manik was just trying to register what is happening.)

Manik:- Nandini, you...

Nandini:- (Pointing towards a service guy) Manik, we can talk later.
You, come here now! (In a Stern voice to the waiter)
Waiter:- Yes ma'am!
Nandini:- What did you mix in their drinks?
Waiter:- No.... No.. thing ma..dam
Nandini:- Oh really? Fine then!
(She picked up the glass which was half broken and contained some of the drink.)
Drink it and prove yourself!

(She asked forwarding the glass to the waiter. )

Waiter:- (Moving backwards) No... No madam... I.. I didn't mix anything...

(He tried to pick up a knife from the table when Mishkat held him)

Nandini:- Fine, then I know how to make you blurt out the truth!

(She took the glass in front of his mouth in order to make him drink when he jerked her hand)

Waiter:- I... I will tell you... I mixed slow poison in it.... I... I don't know anything... I was.. asked to do this... in return of ... a big amount of money...

(That was it Nandini slapped him right in his face)

Nandini:- Inspector, she summoned, arrest him and make sure he blurts the truth. If anything else is required from my side, please let me know but don't spare this moron.

With this the inspector arrested the waiter and took him away with him. Mishkat moved towards Cabir, Mukti and Manik and hugged them asking if they were fine to which they responded positively. Admist all this one thing went unnoticed by everyone that was Nandini was bleeding very badly in her abdomen area and her closed we're dripping off blood. She tried to make a move giving all of them privacy but hissed loudly which was heard by Manik and Mishkat who rushed to her leaving everyone baffled.

Manik:- Nandini, are you crazy? Look at yourself.
Mishkat:- Are you fucking mad? What the hell? Why you have to take all the pain by yourself? Why ? Answer me damnit!!
Nandini:- (breathing heavily) Miku, Manik, I am fine, it's just a small injury, I will be fine.

That was it when Mishkat lost his control he was about to burst out in Nandini when Manik made him realize that she needs to treated at the earliest, and with that he scooped her in her arms and took her to the medical facsinity.
Whereas, Mukti, Cabir and Dhruv were confused about Manik and Mishkat's actions but then chucked the thought thinking about the situation while Alya was huffing in anger seeing Nandini get attention by Manik and Mishkat.

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