The Reality of Their Lives

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All except Alya were surprised at Nandini's gesture of preserving their memories. They all were having their own thoughts. Manik was somewhat whipped by Nandini and Cabir could see that in his eyes. Cabir also like Nandini as a person after what all she did for them but before drawing any conclusions he wanted to know more about her.
Mukti was somewhat thinking that how could be someone so selfless. Though she didn't meet Nandini after the incident, she wanted to.thank her for saving her. She had developed a soft corner for Nandini but still wanted to be sure. Where on the other hand Dhruv also thought that it was very thoughtful of Nandini to do all this whereas Alya was fuming with anger looking at all of them who were quite impressed by Nandini. She was gritting her teeth as she didn't like her friends giving attention to anyone else than her.

Here, Dazzlers had a good time and all moved towards Murty Mansion to spend some time together and catch up on what all is going on in their lives basically everyone wanted to spend time with Nandini. As they entered the mansion they met Abhimanyu along with Ruhi and Aarav and had lots of fun. They were talking when suddenly somebody came and closed Nandini's eyes from behind.

Nandini:- Don't Tell me you are back Navu!!!!
Navya:- Yes baby, I am right here.

With this Nandini stands up and hugs her tightly. Then Navya meets everyone and goes to freshen up in her room. Everyone decided to stay at the mansion for the day and thought of going to the college together. They called for the day. Nandini with great difficulty moved towards Ruhi's room and found Aarav and Ruhi arguing about something. She sorted their matter and made both of them sleep in their respective rooms. She came to her only to find Navya waiting for her. She chose not to disclose about the morning incident to anyone. Navya and Nandini chatted for two hours catching up with each other and Navya also told Nandini about Cabir's family being adamant, though they never were concerned about him but still want him to marry a girl with a rich background and lots of bank balance. Nandini asked her not to worry and also that things will be fine very soon. After Navya left Nandini called someone and asked him to take out some important information.

The clock struck 1 and sleep was miles away from Nandini's eyes, she got up, took her car keys and made her way out of the mansion.

Meanwhile Malhotra Mansion was doomed in sadness as the truth of the past was revealed.

Malhotra Mansion (10pm)
After everyone had dinner Mishkat asked everyone to stay back as he wanted to talk about something important. As Cabir who had stayed back for dinner made a move, Mishkat stopped him saying that he was like Manik to him and had the right to know about his life like Manik as it was him whom he trusted blindly after Manik.

Raj:- What is it Mishkat? Kya baat hai?
Mishkat:- Dad, I want to tell everything to everyone today, even you as you don't know the entire truth. It's high time. I know it has been long but you all are my family and you deserve to know.
Nyonika:- What truth are you talking about Miku?
Mishkat:- The biggest truth of my life, the truth why dad shut the London branch.

Raj wanted to interrupt Mishkat but Manik intervined.

Manik:- We deserve to know everything dad. Let him speak.
Mishkat:- Yes dad, I want to be at peace. I am tired of hiding this.

He holds Manik's and Nyonika's hand tightly as they support him to continue.

Mishkat:- It all started 7 years back in London. Everything was going good, dad introduced me to the business world and I started a branch of Malhotra Industries there. That was dad's dream project. Nandini by then had become my strongest support, she was my constant companion, my to-go person for every single thing. Being a little more experienced in business, she used to help me with my business problems as well. And then she came! (Mishkat tightened his jaw in anger) Sonia Khanna, she was a new student at the University and became good friends with me. Nandini always warned me about her but I chose to ignore her as I didn't find anything harmful with Sonia. Time flew by and Sonia became my best friend, she won my trust and we started spending a lot of time together. I started to share everything with her from my college life till my business secrets. Nandini warned me again but I fought with her. Sonia started to instigate me against Nandini saying that she was jealous of me and my success. She was jealous that I had my family and Sonia to be on my side while she had none. Slowly I started to believe Sonia unaware of her attentions. I started to maintain distance from Nandini and the day when she confronted me I broke all my ties with her but she said that I am her brother and as a sister she will always be there. I ignored her. Eventually Sonia started taking a lot of interest in business, I saw a future with her so didn't mind her helping me but she had her own plans. That time dad came to London, he saw all that and he strictly told me to part my ways with Sonia, but I fought with him too, accused him for no reason, my temper had lost all it's limits, that's when Dad said that he would disown me, but I could care any less. Nandini still tried but that day when she came in front of me, I ended up slapping her. The business started loosing it's clients, we suffered loses and Sonia blamed me for all of them. I thought she might be stressed for us, but no, she stooped low. One day she wasn't picking my calls so I went to her apartment and I could hear two people laughing and celebrating, I heard them and my blood boiled. It was Soha with her father, telling him how she fooled me and got all our clients, not only that she told him how she got all the company transferred by drugging me on her name and planned to either accuse me of raping her or to get me killed so that she can claim the company hers. She was giving me drugs either my  mixing it in my food or my drinks. Icouldn't think straight, I ran from there but they got to know that I heard everything. They sent their men after me to end my life. I called up Nandini and told her everything. As expected she was ready to help me. But to my curse before I could reach Nandini, those men of Soha held me at hostage. They were about to kill me when Nandini came to my rescue. She reached there well in time but as soon they saw her they fired a bullet towards me but before it could hit me, Nandini came in front and got shot. Three bullets pierced her abdomen. Police came and arrested them and we rushed Nandini to the hospital. Abhimanyu who was recovering from the shock of his parents death, his condition worsened seeing his life, his light, his everything fighting for her own life. Rishab was nothing but a mess and Dazzlers they were trying to support the Murty brothers along with 8 months old Ruhi and 7 year old Aarav who was again looking his second mother loosing her life. Suddenly everything went black for me and I fainted, when I opened my eyes I got to know Nandini survived but what next doctor said doomed my life.

Mishkat fell on his knees, Nyonika and Manik hugged him tightly and consoled him.

Mishkat:- Maa, I ruined her life,it was all because of me and still she never blamed me.
Nyonika:- Bacha Kya bol rahe ho speak up clearly.
Mishkat:- The doctor said that as the bullets were hit in her abdomen, she... she cannot be a mother ever in her life. She won't be able to conceive and become a mother.

This words from Mishkat's mouth pierced all the hearts. Everyone had so much going on in their heads. Mishkat was long forgotten. Everyone was thinking about Nandini and her selflessness especially Manik who had tears flowing down. Nyonika was nothing but a crying mess, being a woman she understood what it meant to be a mother and carry a child in your womb. On the other hand Manik was getting flashes of Nandini's smiling face, the way they met, she helped him and also how she saved them yet again this morning and the bond she shared with Mishkat.

Longest update so far!!!
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MANAN :- This Roller Coaster Ride is Our Life! Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя