Chapter 6

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-Slayer's POV-
-At Beacon, in Slayer's room-

After I was reunited with my sister, Keiti, I told her that my core was damaged and took her back to my room at Beacon so that she could fix it and left team RWBY back in Vale. I was lying down on my workbench with my shirt off and my core out of my chest, but the wire from the core was still connected my body so I wouldn't slowly die. Keiti had the core on a little stand that had a magnifying glass and that was able to hold it steady. She wore a white apron and wielding gloves that was stained with oil and grease, blowtorch safety goggles on her forehead, and was holding a soldering iron in her right hand. There was more tools on her left and right side; she had tweezers, pliers, solder, wire cutters, metal saws, screw drivers, hammers, and wrenches. While she was fixing my core, she told me about what happened to her after I left her in the destroyed alley in Atlas.

Keiti: After you left, I slowly started to regain consciousness and saw someone wearing white clothing carrying me. I don't know who it was since I was still weak and my vision was still blurry, but they brought me to a hospital in Atlas and tried their best to take care of me, but because of the destruction that was going on they had no choice but to put me inside of a capsule and freeze it until they were able to get the things that they needed to help me recover. They had to wait for 20 years until they were finally able to make the technology to remove the bullets from my chest since they were so close to my heart. Once they had the technology to remove the bullets from me, they told me what happened to me and that 20 years have passed, but when I asked about you they said that you were dead. But, I didn't believe them because deep down in my heart I knew that you were still alive. So, I decided to stay at the hospital for a while they nursed me back to health for about a month, then I would then sneak out of there and try to find you.

I smiled and chuckled a bit.

Slayer: Well, I'm glad that you did and that you're still alive. It surprises me though that some of the people in Atlas saved you. I thought after they shot you that they no longer cared about you.

Keiti: Me too, but I guess not all of them hated me.

Slayer: Yeah.... They mostly hated me....

I said with a sad look and looked up at the ceiling, remembering all the the mean and horrible things that they did to me. I then looked at her with a smile.

Slayer: But, I am glad though that they didn't do the same to you because you were my sister, otherwise I probably would of gone on a rampage sooner.

She laughed and smiled at me.

Keiti: Yeah, you probably would of! You always did hate seeing me get hurt!

Slayer: Yeah!.....

I looked sad at the ceiling again and remembered what I did to Atlas after I thought she died. Destroy building, killing people wither they were innocent or not, and just went on a rampage causing TOTAL chaos. It was a memory that I didn't want to remember, but.... Because of what the city of Atlas did to me and to my sister, they got what they deserved. Like they always say, "Karma is a bitch."

Keiti: Meda...?

I looked at her and saw that she had a look of worry/concern on her face and I realized that I was silent.

Slayer: Sorry, I was just thinking.

She didn't need to ask what I was thinking about because she could already tell just by looking at me. We were silent for a few minutes before I asked her something.

Slayer: Hey sis?

Keiti: Hmm?

Slayer: You called me "Meda". Is that my name?

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