chapter 9

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        Hey guys goal for this chapter is 10 votes and I will post again tomorrow 


          His house was huge and I mean like mansion size. I walked through his front door and the first thing I saw was a grand staircase and there was a beautiful chandelier hanging from the ceiling. there had to be at least twenty rooms in this house. I felt a finger under my chin and realized that Archer was literally closing my mouth " if you don't close your mouth you might catch bugs." We walked up the stairs and to his bedroom, I had expected black wall, various band posters, and a messy room but instead his walls were as white as the rest of the house there were no posters at all and his room was cleaner than mine or well my old room and that says a lot "you can have a seat on the bed and we can get started."

          For the next three hours, we had argued and finally produced four and a half pages of our ten-page assignment. We joked around, laughed and I finally remembered what fun and being happy felt like; Archer accidentally brushed against my stomach and I giggled because I'm very ticklish. He looks at me sharply just before he grabs my waist and the next thing I knew he was on top of me tickling the crap out of me. Flashbacks raced through my mind of the time when my father had sold my body and when that man was on top of me, touching me; I couldn't breathe. Archer quickly realized that I had stopped laughing and he scrambled off me, when he noticed I wasn't breathing he got all up in my face trying to get me to breathe again, he kept telling me that everything is okay. When I finally snapped out of it my lungs filled with air and my head swam from lack of oxygen. I apologized sure that he would be disgusted with me, right now I couldn't think of a single lie that could possibly explain what just happened and by now he's probably guessed the reason for my strange behavior. He cautiously sat down beside me, I was sitting up my legs dangling off the side of the bed; when he finally sope he sounded so quiet like he was afraid of my answer

           "Were you raped?" I shook my head "but someone did something to you when I look down at your face you had this look of utter terror." I nodded I couldn't lie my way out of this one " I'll kill him whoever he is I'll kill him." my voice came out soft and quiet "why would you defend me you don't even like me." my statement must have shocked him because he was speechless for a few minutes "Are you serious nobody should ever have to endure that, no one should be touch in that way without permission, that's what happened right?" He'd hit the nail right on the head and into the wood, I looked down at my hands ashamed and embarrassed and nodded slowly. Archer got down on his knees in front of me so we were eye to eye "you do not have to be embarrassed, you have no reason to be embarrassed because what happened to you was not your fault." his thumb grazed against my face wiping away the lone tear rolling down but cheek and that was it the dam that was keeping my tears at bay broke and I could not stop crying. He wrapped his arms around me and held me so tight I felt as if he was my shield and would protect me from the big bad world out there. When I finally calmed down I looked up at him and wondered when I had ended up in his lap "thank you, Archer" He looked down at my lip and breathlessly said " for what" "for just holding me" we both had started leaning forward our lips were coming closer when he pulled away shaking his head to get himself out of a daze. I was about to get up out of his lap when we heard a gasp, Victoria was standing in the doorway.

          I jumped up off Archer, grabbed my bag and attempted to walk by a wide-eyed, gaping-mouthed Victoria. She had different plans she blocked my exit, wrapped her hand around my wrist to prevent me from leaving "sit" I make a move to push past her but she drags me forward and shoves me onto the bed "stay" She turns her angry glare onto Archer "what is she doing here?" he rolls his eyes "we were working on a project." She laughs "really because from here it looks like the project is to see how well your d*ck works, if you wanted to screw baby you could have just asked instead of looking to the trash for help" I choked on air, is she serious "she was upset and I was comforting her, it's amazing how the first conclusion you come to before asking me if I even had an explanation was that I was going to sleep with her. I'm so sick of this Victoria I can't do this anymore, you get jealous over anything that moves" he pauses thinking "Victoria we are over, please get out" "Are you really choosing her over me, have you even looked at her, she's not even pretty" I'm not choosing anyone but myself, now please get. out. of. my. house." she stomps out of his house and loudly I might add; once I hear her car leave I grab my bag and start to leave again "where are you going" I turned around "home" "is your dad coming to get you I didn't see you call anyone" "I can walk" he sighed and picked up his keys from the nightstand "let me drive you that over four miles away." I didn't argue.

          When we pulled up to the curb of what he thought was my house he turned to me "I'm sorry for the way she treated you" I told him it was okay, said a quick thanks and waited until he left to walk over to my house. I was three and a half house late getting home but I didn't care, that was the happiest I have been in so long, it was worth it. When I walked in the door I was surprised when my father was not the first one to yell at me, my stepmother beat him to it "WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO BE HOME RIGHT AFTER SCHOOL THAT WAS FOUR HOURS AGO. I BET YOU WERE WHORING AROUND HUH. YOU BETTER NOT BE PREGNANT." she sighed "Go to your father for your punishment, by the way, the punishment will get harsher every time you disobey maybe now you'll start listening."

          I went to my father's room he was standing in the dark and two belts were laid out on the bed, he must have seen my confusion because he just told me to get in here and close the door; I made sure to leave the door slightly cracked. I was just standing in the dark creepy room waiting for the beating to come but it never did, I felt his hands at my collarbone, I heard the tearing of fabric and the cold air against my body; I was left standing in a bra and pants. I didn't know what was about to happen he'd never done this sort of things before, I started edging toward the cracked door hoping that maybe I could escape but when I felt my hand touch the doorknob he jerked me back, shoved me on the bed so that I was lying on my stomach and then he bound my hands to the headboard. He must have grabbed one of the belts off of the bed, what was he going to do tie me up and then beat me, he wouldn't whip me...would he? This must have been my stepmother idea because father was not smart enough to think up an idea this awful.

          When I felt the first lash of the belt I was able to answer my own question. With the sting of each lash, I felt my skin breaking and I felt the blood drip down my back, the tears poured from my eyes until I could cry no more. I refused to scream I would bite my lip until it bled but I would not give them the satisfaction of hearing me scream in pain. I don't know how long this went on Id lost track of time a while ago but I kept telling myself that the happiness I had felt was worth the punishment. When he was done he unbound me and told me to clean up my mess by mess he means my blood on his sheets.

          I hobbled down to the basement after I was finished cleaning, I could barely stand on my own without support from objects around me, I grabbed some loose pajama shorts and a hoodie and went to take a shower. I sat on the floor of the shower and let the hot water run over my aching body, what did I ever do to deserve all of these punishments, sometimes it was because I was late or I woke up late and forgot or didn't have time to make his breakfast most of the time it was because he didn't know where I was. Were these things that other kids got punished for, I scoffed at that thought, you're not normal you are getting punished because you're a killer you killed your own mother. I got dressed and laid in bed trying to find a position to ease the pain, as I drifted off into the sleep world I wondered if my life would ever be normal.


Hey, guys here's another update for you if you liked the Acher+Octavia action or maybe want a bit more action tell me in the comments below. My goal for this chapter is to get to 10 votes If we reach this goal I will post again tomorrow. 

Love Y'all

Naya ❤️❤️





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