f i f t e e n

Começar do início


Later in the day me and Harry ride to his house. He is gonna finally make me the dinner that will "blow me away."

We are in the car now and Harry's hand is on my thigh, he is talking about an "asshole" client he has while running his fingers through his quiff every time we get to a stop light.

"It'll be alright baby, I promise. You just gotta show him who is in charge and seal the deal." He looks over at me and give me a quick peck before driving again when the light turns.

"What would I do without you?" I giggle and put in the Beatles "Please Please me," album.

"Probably be insane and really lost."

"Hey," He draws out in a whining voice. "That wasn't very nice. I will have you know I have been at the top of my game since the beginning. Even before I took over the company."He looks a little sad after talking about how he took over. His father passed away when he was just eighteen. Ever since then he has been in charge of the company.

I grab his hand and start rubbing soothing circles on it. We soon reach his house and get out. When we enter I am taken away by the beauty of his house again. I walk in further and hang my coat on the rack, him doing the same.

"Harry,out of curiosity, how many houses do you have?" He looks at me and thinks.

"I think six, but it could be more I'm not to sure," I look at him dumbfounded that he could forget that sort information." I have a house in New York, California, Miami, Hawaii, Manchester, and Paris." He shrugs afterwards.

"Woah,that's crazy." He shrugs again and grabs my hand leading me towards the kitchen.

"You want any food?" He questions while looking through the cabinets.

"Do you have chocolate? I have been craving it since like two o'clock today." He chuckles and turns around getting some chocolate chips. He then grabs an apple and starts munching on it.

"Have you ever had sex?" He randomly questions making me choke on a chocolate chip. He rushes over to my side and starts patting my back. Once I assure him I am fine he retreats back to the other side of the counter.

"Um no, I haven't actually." He raises his eyebrows and I begin to squirm under his intense stare.

"Holy shit. No one has ever fucked you yet? Have you done anything else at least. I mean you are gorgeous and wonderful I wasn't trying to degrade you I was just-wow." I laugh and shake my head.

"So like you have never been to touched? You have never been tasted before?" He questions slowly, his voice going done.

"Nope" I say popping the p.

"Holy shit," I look at him with a questioning look on my face as to why he asked that. "Well I wasn't asking that because I want to just do that stuff with you. It that was the case I would have- never mind. I was just curious, but I am very happy you haven't been. When the time comes I hope you allow me to show you how you should be treated." I giggle and he walks around the counter. He puts his arms under my legs and picks me up bridal style.

"Harry, what are you doing?" I squeal. He leans down and kisses me then I feel a soft cushion underneath me. He continues kissing me and I kiss back eagerly.He kisses me more before pulling away.

Styles INC [edited]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora