Tonya felt the need to express her gratitude toward her father's patience with her new lifestyle. 

"He is great, he gives me space, and he constantly pushes me. In a good way, I mean, I know I have changed a lot and I am still having a lot of trouble. But he is very caring and very loving. He helps a lot, he tries to make me comfortable, tries to give me back confidence. He does a lot for me, and I really appreciate it."

Tonya says, her dynamics with her family included brother Jeff Durand (-crazasian ) have changed as well, and that it will take some more adjusting before everything is completely comfortable. Dating has also proved to be a challenge, as she's recently lost her boyfriend, presumably to the stress of her current situation. But over all, is Tonya looking ahead for the future?

"I just keep thinking about if it makes a difference, whether I am sitting or standing[...]"

How does she expect the world to react to her situation?

" Asking and looking is normal, I guess, but it is all so awfully tense. I am not going to kill anybody for doing something 'wrong', I make mistakes, but I just wish it would be like before, loose and easy to make contact."

There you have it, folks, the young woman still has a lifetime ahead of her and just would like to be treated like an every day person. Though, 'The Scoop' still have some questions. Mainly, if this incident could have been the catalyst the spark a divorce between Val and Jeanne Durand? It seems to be inconspicuous timing, that paired with their son Jeffery Durand's recent sparks with the law. But we suppose, we may never get that answer in its entirety.

Remebering Marisole Pembrooke

For those of you who are unaware, former 2018 Miss America contestant and winner, Marisole Pembrooke (bellaboo-) has unexpectedly passed surrounded by close friends and family, due to an incurable illness known as Lupus. It's become clear to us, by statement of her family, that the information surrounding her ailment was not readily available to just anyone. (Because...WE'RE SHOCKED TOO.) They say that Marisole did not want to be judged by the state of her health, but rather by her hard work and accomplishments. She will be severely missed by all who knew her for her world contributions. In lieu of flowers, her family asks that donations be made to 'The Lupus Foundation of America' in hopes of someday finding  cure. 

(Marisole Richie Pembrooke - 1997 ~ 2019)

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(Marisole Richie Pembrooke - 1997 ~ 2019)

Wedding Recap

Okay! We're so totally over being sad for this edition! (We're not crying...somebody is just cutting onions ~) So, let's jump right into the heart of this past weekend - a NEW Hollywood power couple had emerged in the wake of another's end, and that's Mr. And Mrs. Justin and Hailey Bieber! (congratulations, you two, but seriously Hailey, we hate you over our own jealousy!) It was only a matter of time before the child - star - gone - bad - boy - gone - good - boy - again tied the knot. We only thought you'd end up with Selena Gomez. I guess, we can't have everything in life, now can we? Anyway, the pair celebrated their betrothal with a huge bash, hundreds of people and top music artist showed up to commemorate the big day. But, it wasn't without its fair share of scandalous activity from our stars. Let's get a recap of some of the night's most memorable events...

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