"It was nice spending time with her."  Julie leaned down and kissed his lips.  "I'm hungry.  I still have a hard time when I wake up, but later on, I do well.  And now, I'm hungry."  She reached for his hands and pulled him up.  "Feed me."

Harry chuckled.  "Well, I've never been happier to hear those words come from your mouth."  As Julie started walking from the room he stepped behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist resting his hands on her stomach.  "Sorry.  You may have me attached to that bump for the next like five months."

"Oh, that won't get annoying at all."  Julie giggled.  She walked down the stairs slowly and awkwardly as Harry didn't let go.  She had to admit, it was kinda cute to see him so excited over a bit of a stomach.  To her, it just looked like she had gained about ten pounds and needed to work out.

"Don't care."  Harry walked into the kitchen still attached to her from behind.  He nuzzled her neck as she opened the refrigerator and then laughed as she turned and shoved the sliced turkey into his chest.  "Oh, so am I helping?"

"Yup."  Julie said grabbing the brick of cheese, a jar of pickles and the mayonnaise before shutting the fridge with her foot.  She turned and grabbed a loaf of bread and then dropped all the contents on the counter by Harry.

Harry raised an eyebrow.  "Are we sure I've only been gone ten days?  That's a lot of food for you."

"I told you. I'm hungry."  Julie snatched the turkey from Harry's hands.  "Oohh, I think I'm going to make this like a grilled cheese.  Only with turkey."  Julie turned and grabbed the butter from the fridge.  She set it down and took out some bread.  "Do you want some?"

"Yeah, sure. I haven't eaten since I left the UK."  Harry opened up the package of turkey.

"Are you going to eat what I'm eating?  Otherwise you have to go get the avocado and handle that."  Julie reached over and opened the jar of sweet pickles and pulled one out taking a bite.

"I guess I can cheat this meal.  I mean, you are using whole grain bread.  I'm proud of you.  A little butter and a little cheese won't hurt me."  Harry watched Julie turn towards the stove and turn on a burner, putting a large frying pan on it.

"Maybe a little cheese on yours, but a whole lot of cheese on mine."  Julie shrugged at him.  "I'll blame cravings.  Be lucky I'm not sending you out in the middle of the night yet for some off the wall craving.  I'm looking forward to doing that."

Harry chuckled and watched Julie as she meticulously put together both of their sandwiches.  Each just a little bit different.  The little things they had picked up about each other.  As she grilled their sandwiches he put the turkey and bread away, placed some pickles on each of their plates and put those away as well.  He watched as she placed each sandwich on a plate and put mayo on hers and Dijon mustard and tomatoes on his.  He laughed as she washed her hands immediately after she touched the tomatoes.  "You know, maybe you should give tomatoes a try.  My kid might like them, so maybe you'll have a new taste for them."

Julie rolled her eyes.  "If I start craving tomatoes, you better run."  She picked up her plate as Harry returned the rest of the items to the fridge and then walked with him to the table.

"No threats.  If you crave them, it means you like them.  You can't hate me for that."  Harry sat down with his plate and handed Julie the bottle of water he had grabbed for her, setting his down in front of him.

"Oh, but I can.  Remember, for at least another five months, it's all your fault.  Everything."  Julie smiled and then picked up another pickle to take a bite.

"So unfair."  Harry laughed as he took a bite of his sandwich.  "Oh, this is good though.  If this is how your cravings are going to go, I'm all for it."

Happily Ever After??  (Third in the Through The Dark And Free series)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt