Chapter 26: First Kiss

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"No, I'm going to see if I can get into his garage. He told me his dad keeps an antique crystallized bug collection." Sebastian pushed his glasses up his nose and I made my way upstairs.

I'd come to this party for one reason and that reason had been kissing other boys, I couldn't help but feel a tiny bit of hatred for Julie Sawa. All I wanted to do now was wash off my shoes, eat some more cupcakes and go home.

"I thought you said this was the story of your first kiss." I laughed, resting my head on the rock in front of me. Carson laid directly in front of me, his head resting against the hood of his jacket.

"Shut up you're ruining the story." He teased, smiling before throwing the leaves beside him.

"Okay, okay. Go on."

I had just walked in only to stop midway, I didn't know what to say or do, or even how to stand. She looked up at me, red lipstick smeared all across her cheek as she stopped wiping at her mouth with the wet napkin in her hand. "Occupied." She spoke.

"Urr, Hi Julie." I said, feeling the blush on my cheek made me feel stupid so I looked away.

She looked at me once more, only to breathe in relief. "Oh hi Carson." She grabbed the napkin and tried to wash off her lipstick faster, "Sorry that you had to see me like this." She quietly laughed.

"Um." I looked around to see if anyone was around, no one was. "What are you doing?"

She looked a little embarrassed, which was cute and made me feel a little less tense. "Trying to wipe off Ben Gallant's yucky saliva off my lips." She made a disgusted face before going back to wiping it off.

Oh right she just played spin the bottle. "Oh right, you just played spin the bottle."

"I had to kiss Ben, on the lips."  She shook her head.

I place my hands in my pocket, rocking back and forth on my shoes. "Well you know, I heard he takes kissing lessons from his dog."

She stops reapplying her red lipstick and looks at me with wide eyes, "Really?"

I continue to stare at her until she looks away with annoyance, "You're teasing me." She then starts to laugh, making me laugh a little with her.

"Does it look okay?" She turns towards me, her lipstick still smudged a little on the side of her mouth.

"Yeah you look great."

She turns back to the mirror and stares at herself for a while, before groaning in aggravation and wiping her lipstick off  again. "Can you close the bathroom door?"

"Uh." I swallow hardly. "Sure." I step forward once more, closing the door behind me.

She looks at me for a minute before starting to laugh and turns back to the mirror. "I was implying to be alone in the bathroom."

There comes my blush again, "Oh I'm sorry Julie, I didn't-" I started to walk out.

"No it's okay, you're good company. Yanno, for a boy." She voiced and I couldn't help but want to high five myself.

You're doing okay right now Carson, just don't be a total dweeb.

"Soo," She said whilst fixing her devil horns. "How come you never talk to me in class?"

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⏰ Última actualización: Feb 11, 2019 ⏰

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