Chapter 11

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        Bawling when I get back to my room makes me feel so dumb. Why am I crying? He was so shitty to me. He just kicked me out. What a dick. I'm in such shock with all of this but I'm going to try so hard not to let this get the best of me. When an hour passed I hear the door open as I get up to go in the shower. I hope that it’s Till. Please be Tillie.

                “Hansen?” Thank God it’s her.


                “You okay? I heard what happened, I am so sorry. Do you want to talk to me about it?” I’m given a hug by her and all I can do is suck it up.

Maybe we can have a crying session later but the last thing I want to do is just that.

                “Thanks Till, no I’m okay. I’m fine.” I assure her as she looks at me with her lip out.

                “You guys were so cute toge-”

                “Okay Till, I get it.” My expression tells her I'm aggravated.

She just needs to shut up at this point before I go nuts.  

                “Im sorry, that was stupid of me to say. I have good news though.” She smiles in hopes she will cheer me up.

                “Okay.” I tell her annoyed. Nothing will cheer me up at this rate but I hope its good enough to get my mind off of this.

                “Cal’s friend that’s meeting him here, is holding a party in his room. Everyone is going and I highly doubt that Ashton will be there, but it’ll be so much fun.” I'm told with so much enthusiasm.

                “Will there be drinks?” That was a stupid question.

Why do I keep asking that?

                “Yes definitely!” She laughs hoping I won't back out, being that there will be alcoholic beverages but, I'm really not bothered by it and in fact, I need a drink or two.

Who the hell am I turning into?

                “Okay, sure I guess I’ll go, but only if Ash isn't going to be here or the whore!” I laugh and she agrees with me.

                “You can wear one of my dresses, I have like ten in here.” Tillie giggles as she goes to open her suitcase.

I can only think of how I need to look as if I'm going to see my worst enemy, just in case the two most hated people in my book show up.



        When we get ready, the first thing I do after Till did my makeup is try on her black stilettos that she hands to me. All I can really think, is how amazing of a friend she is. I have never met anyone like her. When I slip the high heels on, she stands back and places her hand over her mouth. Do I look that bad? Will she throw up?

                “You look beautiful Hansen.” My best friend hugs me and walks me to the bathroom so I can see my new appearance she worked on for over an hour.

        I really do look better than yesterday, my makeup is actually done and I seem to have it together. I don’t want to seem cocky so I turn around after checking my newly painted red lips in the reflection.

                “You look amazing too Till.” My words help her cheeks become rosy and she smirks while getting her cellphone to call Calum.

                “We are ready Cal, what floor, and room number?” I overhear her conversation.

                “Let’s go.” My heart can’t take the suspense of my single life that is starting tonight.

I’m sad that I am no longer spending these kinds of occasions with Ash, but tonight I need to keep my eye on the prize.


It feels like forever between walking in these damn heels and trying to find the hotel room.

                “We are here...I think.” Hesitation comes from Tillie’s mouth when she stares at the handle.

                “Well knock!”

                “No! You knock!” I yell in a whispering manner. I swear we probably look like freak shows right about now.

My knuckle hits the door hoping someone will answer.

Please be the right room.

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