Chapter 5

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Bright lights appear in my face and I can’t tell what it is until I rub my weary eyes to wake myself up. Out the window on Tillies side is the  fluorescence of the city, I can almost say that it’s a lot like New York but mellow, and clean. It’s charming the way that the architecture is built around here. I can understand more of why Mr. Vega holds such a passion for his career. The nap really helped me lose my edge. I took to heart what Ashton said to Calum about Sage but, honestly I am not going to let that ruin my experience and I sure as hell am not going to talk to him.

When the bus finally comes to a halt, I prop up from my seat and stare passed Tillie to look out of the window. I can see the London Eye peeking out from behind a stunning building... The Park Plaza. The London Eye is way bigger than I expected it to be after seeing it so many times on my thirteen inch computer screen. Of what I have seen so far, it really is a spectacular country.



Collecting my bags at the bottom of the bus is excruciatingly painful because of how cold the air is. It’s not as cold as Sage’s heart though.

“Couldn’t be more freaking excited for tonight.” Till says while she is handed her bag and starts heading to the glass revolving doors as I follow.

Tonight? What the hell happens tonight? She never tells me anything.

                “Tonight? What is happening tonight?” I asked tiredly yawning in her face while we reach the front desk to meet up Mr. Vega for further instruction.

                “Well…” She struggles to tell me.


                “Okay, Ashton and I were talking about going with the group to that famous club. Everyone is going and I didn’t really want to tell you since you got into to that fight with him.”

         When was this discussed? I pay no attention anymore to it. Nothing tonight surprises me.

                “I just didn’t know if you would of wanted to go or not but, I am assuming that you don-”

                “I’ll go.” I interrupt and her face looks shocked.

        I am not that much of a goodie two shoes. I don’t have much interest on being around Ash or even just being out tonight. I am too tired, and completely drained from todays earlier episodes. I don’t want to pansy out though, and honestly, I want to prove that I can go out and have a good time.

                “Wow okay!” God, why is she so surprised?

                “When are we going?” I ask nervously.


                “Is there drinking?” What a stupid question to ask.

She laughs and then looks at me with the “Oh you're serious?” look.


                 “Hansen...It’s a club...they have a bar…”

                “Yeah, right.” I giggle with embarrassment.

        When I get my key from Mr. Vega, I bolt to the elevator with Till and shortly find our room on the fourth floor. I am so relieved that we didn't end up running into Ash. As we close the door, I start to hear Calum’s chuckle from the other side of the hall. It is quite distinct. I tightly closed the door spastically and locked it before they knew it was us, which probably looked very comical.

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