Chapter 16

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Freya's POV.

Hiccup and I take off into the sky, where we see that the others are here. The giant ice sanctuary is hit with a blast of fire, making the ice begin to fall and head straight for Astrid and Stormfly. Right before the ice hits them, Ocean and Toothless send a plasma blast and break the ice into a bunch of pieces. We dive down to the dragon traps, breaking two of them before we fly back up to Astrid, Stormfly, and Eret.
"Welcome aboard, Dragon Rider!" Hiccup says to Eret.
"Thanks. I think," Eret says nervously as he holds on tight.
"Where have you been?" Astrid asks.
"Oh, y'know," Hiccup says with a shrug. "Catching up with Mom," He says as he looks up.

We follow his gaze and watch as Valka, dressed in battle armor and riding on Cloudjumper, rises from the sky with the Alpha, who breaks his way out of the ice nest and roars as loud as he could.
"Whoa..." Eret says.
"That's your mother?!" Astrid shouts in shock.
"Well, now we know where he gets his dramatic flair," I say with a small smirk as Hiccup and I fly back down, breaking another dragon trap and releasing the dragon trapped within it. As we fly back up, we see another King dragon surface from the water.
"Another one?" Hiccup asks as we stare at the Alpha in shock.

We watch as Valka goes to help the Alpha dragon, but she can't do anything as the two dragons begin to fight each other. They hit their heads together a few times, but the black Alpha quickly knocks down the white one. While the Alpha is down, the black King takes his chance to win and stabs the Alpha with its tusks. I gasp as the white dragon is killed in front of all of us. The black King roars in victory, his roar seeming to do something to all the dragons as they begin to bow down to him. Suddenly, the King dragon starts to go after Valka. I go to helo her, but before I can reach her, Stoick does and saves her. I sigh in relief as I look over and see Hiccup now speaking to Drago. I look back over to Stoick and Valka to see them hiding from the Black King. I quickly back over to Hiccup as I hear Drago start to shout, the sound of his voice making the King turn his attention to them.

The King begins to do something to Toothless, making him begin to shake his head and roar in confusion.
"Hiccup! Toothless!" I shout as Ocean starts to fly over to them, but as she flies she starts to shake her head a roar as Toothless was. "Ocean? What's wrong?" I ask her worriedly, but she doesn't seem to hear me. Suddenly, I'm thrown off her. Luckily, I'm only a few feet in the air and I only get a few bruises. I quickly stand up and look up to Ocean. Her pupils had turned to slits, seeming to in some kind of trance as she begins to fly off.
"OCEAN!" I shout to her, but she doesn't turn around.

I breathe heavily in panic as I look back to where Hiccup is, only to see Toothless walking towards him threateningly, as if he is going to kill him. I gasp in horror as I take off running, moving as fast as my legs would carry me.
"Hiccup!" I shout as I go to push him out of the way.
"Freya, no!" Hiccup shouts as he looks at me with wide eyes, but just as I push him out of the way Stoick pushes both of us and Toothless plasma blast hits him instead. As the smoke clears, Hiccup and I look up to see Stoick laying on the ground with a bunch of ice on top of him.
"Dad!" Hiccup shouts as he runs over to him, moving all the ice off him.
"Stoick..." Valka says sadly as she kneels down and listens for a heartbeat.

"," Hiccup says as he looks down at his mother with hope, but she shakes her head. I slowly walk over and kneel beside Hiccup as tears well in my eyes. I look up and see the Bewilderbeast turning away, letting go of his control on Toothless.
"No, no, no. No..." Hiccup whispers as he lays his head down on his father's chest. Toothless slowly walks over to Stoick, sniffing at his hand.
"No! Get away from him!" Hiccup shouts as he pushes Toothless away. "GO ON! GET OUT OF HERE! GETAWAY!" He shouts at him, making Toothless back away in confusion and hurt.
"It's not his fault," I tell Hiccup as Toothless runs off. "You know that Hiccup," I state as I put my hand on his shoulder comfortingly.

"Good dragons under the control of bad people..." Valka starts to say as the black King roars, making all the dragons start to follow him.
"Wait, don't go!" Snotlout shouts to his dragon as he flies off.
" bad things," Valka finishes her sentence. We hear Toothless roar, making us look up and see Drago is now riding him.
"Toothless!" Hiccup shouts as he stands up and goes to help him.
"No, don't!" Valka shouts as she holds her son back.
"Move out!" Dragon shouts as he, the Bewilderbeast and all the dragons, head towards Berk.


We all stand behind Hiccup on the shore as we watch Stoick's body sail away on the icy sea in front of us.
"May the Valkyries welcome you, and lead you through Odin's great battlefield. May they sing your name with love and fury, so that we may hear it rise from the depths of Valhalla...and know that you've taken your rightful place at the table of kings," Gobber says as he walks over and hands Hiccup a bow and arrow. "For a great man has fallen. A warrior. A chieftain. A father. A friend," He says tearfully as Hiccup sets the arrow on fire and fires it at Stoick's ship, setting it on to flames as it sails. The rest of us follow suit, firing arrows and watching as the ship begins to burn.

"I'm sorry, Dad,' Hiccup says softly. "I'm not the chief that you wanted me to be. And I'm not the peacekeeper I thought I was. I don't know..." He trails off sadly as tears roll down his cheeks.
"You came early into this world. You were such a wee thing. So frail, so fragile," Valka says as she walks over to Hiccup. "I feared you wouldn't make it. But your father... he never doubted. He always said you'd become the strongest of them all. And he was right," She states as she stands in front of him.
"You have the heart of a chief and the soul of a dragon. Only you can bring our worlds together. That is who you are, son," Valka tells him as she smiles at him sadly.

"I was so afraid of becoming my dad. Mostly because I thought I never could. How do you become someone that great? That brave? That selfless? I guess you can only try," Hiccup states as he watches the burning boat that was now far away from us. I walk over to him, placing my hand on the side of his face as I give him a small smile. He wraps his arms around me in a tight hug and I gladly hug him back as a few more tears fall from his eyes.
"A chief protects his own," Hiccup states as we let go of each other and looks over to the others, who stand behind us. "We're going back," He tells them.
"Uh, with what?" Tuff asks in confusion.
"He took all the dragons," Ruff states. Hiccup and I look over to each other, smiling as we have the same idea in mind.

"Not all of them."

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