Chapter 15

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Freya's POV.

"Mom, you'd never recognize it. Where we used to make weapons, we now build saddles, wing slings- we even fix dragon teeth," Hiccup says as he walks over to a basket and takes a few fish out. "You wouldn't believe how much everything's changed," He says with a smile.
"Your son's changed Berk for the better," Stoick says as he hands her a plater of fish skewers. "I think we did well with this one, Val," He says as he looks over to Hiccup with a small smile.
"Thanks, Dad," Hiccup says. Suddenly, Valka drops the plater of fish. Cloudjumper quickly eats the fish that were on the floor before Toothless and Ocean can, but then Cloudjumper regurgitates some of it for them. I look away from the dragons in disgust as they eat the fish.

"Oh, ha-ha. I got it," Stoick laughs softly as he puts more fish onto the plate that is still in Valka's hands.
"I'm...a little out of practice," Valka says sheepishly.
"Well, y'know...I didn't marry you for your cooking," Stoick says as Hiccup takes the plater from Valka and walks over to Gobber, handing him the plater.
"I hope not, her meatballs could kill more beasts than a battle-ax," Gobber states. "I've still got a few knocking around in here. Ha-ha," He says as he takes a bite of the fish, but spits it out and then feeds the rest to Grump.

"And once you move back in, with all your dragons, Drago won't stand a chance," Hiccup says with a smile. "Everything will be okay!" He says happily, but Valka seems overwhelmed.
"Slow down, Hiccup," I tell him as I take his hand into mine. "It's a lot to take in," I state.
"Oh, gotcha," Hiccup says as we walk over and sit beside Gobber as Stoick begins to whistle.
"Oh, I love this one!" Gobber says with a wide smile.
"Remember our song, Val?" Stoick asks as he walks over to her. "I'll swim and sail on savage seas, with ne'er a fear of drowning. And gladly ride the waves of life, if you will marry me. No scorching sun, nor freezing cold will stop-" Stoick starts to sing, but is interrupted.
"Will stop me on my journey!- Sorry," Gobber sings but, he stops as Stoick glares at him.

"If you will promise me your heart... And love..." Stoick sings, stopping as he waits for Valka too sing with him but she does nothing. Stoick slowly backs away from her sadly, but he stops.
"And love me for eternity," Valka sings softly as she turns to face him. "My dearest one, my darling dear, your mighty words astound me. But I've no need of mighty deeds when I feel your arms around me," Valka sings as they begin to dance around with each other.
"But I would bring you rings of gold I'd even sing you poetry," Stoick sings, making Valka laugh as they continue to dance. "And I would keep you from all harm If you would stay here beside me," He sings happily as they spin around.
"I have no use for rings of gold. I care not for your poetry. I only want your hand to hold," Valka sings.

"I only want you near me!" Stoick sings as they begin to move their feet a little faster.
"To love to kiss, to sweetly hold," Stoick and Valka sing together. "For the dancing and the dreaming. Through all life's sorrows and delights, I'll keep your love inside me. I'll swim and sail on savage seas, with ne'er a fear of drowning. And gladly ride the waves of life if you will marry me!" They sing as they stop dancing and begin to laugh happily as we watch them, smiling.
"Meeee! I'm still goin'!" Gobber sings. "I'm done," He says.
"I thought I'd have to die before we'd have that dance again," Stoick says as he and Valka let go of each other and smile.

"No need for drastic measures," Valka says, making them both laugh.
"For you, my dear...anything," Stoick says as he takes her hand into his and kneels in front of her, smiling at her lovingly. "Will you come home, Val? Will you be my wife once again?" He asks her as Hiccup walks over to them. "We can be a family! What do you say?" Stoick asks her. She smiles at her son, thinking for a moment.
"Yes!" She exclaims as all three of them hug each other, making me smile. Hiccup looks over to me and smiles as he motions for me to join, I shake my head. I didn't want to break up the family reunion.

"You're part of this family too, Freya," Hiccup says as he gently grabs my hand and brings me into the hug as Stoick and Valka smile at us.
"Great!" Gobber says as he stands behind us. "I'll do the cooking!" He states, making us laugh.
"Thank Odin you didn't listen to me, son," Stoick says as we all let go of each other. "We never would have found each other," He states as they walk a little ways away from us. I smile as I look over to Ocean and Toothless, but my smile fades as I notice they're growling nervously.

"Ocean? Toothless?" I ask, getting everyone's attention. We all look out a hole in the wall and see all the dragons from the sanctuary flying away.
"What's going on?" Hiccup asks in worry as we all follow Valka as she runs out of the cave and onto a balcony of ice. We all gasp in horror as we see a bunch of ships, men, and dragon traps.
"Oh, no," Hiccup says in shock. Valka turns around and quickly begins to walk away.
"Val! It's all right, it's all right. We're a team now," Stoick tells her as he grabs her arm. "Now, what do you want to do?" He asks as she takes a deep breath.
"We have to save the dragons," She tells us.
"Aye. You got it!" Stoick says with a nod. "Come on," He tells us as we quickly get on our dragons and prepare to fight.

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