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We finish our pizza and now we are back to looking around at the stores. We pass by this really cute sweater. I go in to check the price. And yet again it's very expensive. Why do store set prices so high? I don't get it. I walk around the store a little more to just look. "Jess please let me buy you something. Me and gray have been shopping all day and it kills me to see you like something and then get disappointed because you can't get it" Ethan said walking over to me. "Ethan you work so hard for your money. I don't want you to waste it on me" I said stern. He sighs at my stubbornness. "I'm going to start working. I'll find something to do. Then I promise I will give myself a day to treat myself" I said reassuring him. He nods. "Okay" he gave up on getting me to let him buy me something.

We make it home. The boys go and put there things away in there room while I go on the computer and search for jobs. "Babe. Wanna go bowling? James and Emma have invited us" I look at him with wide eyes. "Emma chamberlain and James Charles?" He laughs and nods. "Of course I wanna go! Are you mad?" he laughs and sits next to me. He plants a kiss on my cheek wrapping his strong arm around my waist. "It's impossible to find a good job when I didn't finish high school. I guess education is really a MUST" I rolled my eyes. Ethan chuckles. "Hey what about this. A assistant it gets payed good and you don't need high school" He said pointing to a job offer. "That seems good. I'll call them and set up a interview" I grab my phone and call.

I got a interview tomorrow at 2:45pm. I'm kinda nervous not going to lie. "We need to start getting ready we leave soon" Ethan said walking into the room sitting next to me on the bed. "But it's comfortable" I said like a little kid. He laughs and kisses me. "Okay now I can get ready" i said getting up. He smiles and watches me as I pick out clothes. But it's not me really me he's looking at. I turn and look at him his eyes immediately shot up to my face. "Mr.dolan my eyes are here not on my butt" I said laughing he blush's. I throw a pillow and him pretends to fall off the bed. "Sorry madam" he said trying to do a British accent. "Just get ready" I said going back to the clothes.

I finish getting ready. I'm wearing ripped jeans,  black long sleeve crop, and a flannel around my waist. With my white converse. Well more like dirty white now. I haven't got new shoes in years. My hair is just natural and so is my makeup. I walk out of the bathroom. Ethan is wearing black jeans and a grey shirt. He look so good in anything. I wish I could relate. He looks at me. "Beautiful" he smiled I flash him one back and we kiss. "Ready?" Gray said as we pull away. "Dude really?" Ethan said looking at grays outfit. Who was wearing the same thing. "We don't have time to change let's go" gray say sighing.

We make it to the bowling alley. My anxiety starts getting bad. Ethan notices notices and grabs my hand. Making small circles with his thumb to calm me down. We made it before James and Emma so we just go to our lane and order some food. "What if they don't like me?" I asked Ethan he gives me a small laugh. "They will love you okay" He said pulling me closer. "Don't worry okay" Gray said giving me a smile. I nod and walk myself down.

Moments later the arrive. "Oh hi" James said giving the boys a hug. "Hey" Emma said smiling giving the boys hugs as well. "Oh James, Emma this is Jess my girlfriend" Ethan said introducing me. "Omg daddy Ethan got himself a girl" James said shocked causing me to laugh. He says hi and gives me a hug. "You're so pretty" Emma said while giving me a hug. "Hey" i said to both of them shyly. James and Emma order food while me and Ethan set up the game. "They seem to like you" Ethan said with a smile. "Yea" I said putting my name on the game board. "Food here" James said as the lady sets down the food. I take a seat between Emma and Ethan and start to eat my salad. "Omg its them!" These girls said walking over to us. "Hey sisters" James said causing me laugh a little. "Can we get a picture please. Just not with the ugly one in the flannel" I see Ethan get mad. I stand up and start to walk away so the girls can get there picture. Ethan grabs my hand "it's okay Ethan I'm just gunna stand right here I'm fine" I said reassuring him. He nods and proceeds to take the picture with the girls. But before they leave Emma says something. "Just so you know true fans wouldn't call our friends ugly" they just rolled there eyes and walked away. "Thanks Emma" I said smiling at her. She nods "course".

After a good game of Bowling. Ethan won with 86 points I got second with 83 points Gray got 3rd with 79 James got 4th with 76 and Emma lost with 72. It was a really fun night. We all say good bye to each other and head to our separate cars. I'm so tired. I'm sitting in the back with Ethan while Grayson drives. I lay my head in his shoulder and he wraps his arm around me. He kisses my forehead. "Goodnight princess" a small smile creeps on my face. Before I knew it sleep has over cams my body and I was knocked out.

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