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A few days have passed and I can finally leave this place. Well, I have to decide actually if I want to go to an outpatient or go to therapy. I honestly don't care at this point. I wasn't even supposed to be alive right now. "Okay Miss Andrews please fill out this evaluation form and you can make your decision and we can go from there" the nurse hands me a clipboard and walk out of the room. "I don't want to" I put on the table next to me. "Babe you have to fill it out," Ethan said putting the clipboard in front of me. I just laugh and look at him. "Do you think I give a shit?" I said looking at him. "Babe," he said sternly. I roll my eyes and grab the clipboard and start to feel it out.

I'm done filling it out. I just decided to see a therapist because I don't want to be locked up in a mental hospital. The nurse comes in "Alrighty let me see" she picks it up and looks at the forms. "Mmhm okay, you choose and therapist correct?" I nod my head yes. "Okay sounds good. You are free to go the lady at the front desk has your discharge papers and you just fill them out and we will let you know when you start therapy" she said with a smile and walks out of the room. Ethan helps me get ready to leave.

We make it home and Grayson is in the living room he gives me a smile and a hug. I softly return it and say hi to him. "Do you what to hang out and watch a movie? You had a long couple of days you need to relax" Ethan asked softly. I just nod my head and we head upstairs to the room. When we get into the room I quickly change my clothes not caring if Ethan sees me in my underwear. Ethan opens the bathroom door and starts rummaging through the drawers. "Where are they?" he asked looking through my stuff. "What?" I asked confused. "The blades," he said trying not to cry. "Oh um" I hesitate. "Babe, please," he said looking at me with tears in his eyes. His eyes kill me I can't stand looking at him upset. "Makeup bag," I said softly. He opens my makeup bag and sees all the blades I have hidden. He let a tear slip and he carefully grabs them. I try so hard not to cry. He makes sure he has all of them and throws them away. He then turns to me and looks at me. "You are stronger than you think. You are a strong baby. You can do this" he kisses me and holds me tightly in his arms.

We start watching a movie. I'm snuggled up closely into him. I look up at his face and he is so concentrated on the movie. It's so cute how much he gets into movies. His hair is not too short but not too long and kinda shaggy. His face has stubble and his lips are pink and plump. His eyes are beautiful and big with long eyelashes. His skin complexion is perfect. He must have noticed me studying his face because he looks down at me and gives me a grin. "Do I have something on my face?" he chucked. "Sorry," I said softly and look back at the movie. He gently grabs my chin to make me look at him again. "You did nothing wrong love" he kisses me. I kiss back a passionate kiss. He pulls away and looks at me. "You are so loved Jess please know that. I love you so much" I smile at him "I love you too" he pulls me super close to him and I rest my head on his shoulder.

Boy next doorحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن