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I wake up. I guess that Ethan went up to his room because I'm on the couch alone with a pillow underneath my head and a blanket spread across my body. I look around. This house is a lot nicer then mine. I just now noticed. I need to pay attention to things more. I grab my phone and see if Andrew texted me. Nope nothing. I look out the window to see if his car is there. Nope. He must of slept over at James house. Ethan walks down stairs. "Good morning" he said smiling. I fake smile. "How do you feel?" "I'm fine" I flash a fake smile. He nods "hungry?" I'm starving. "Yea" I sit up. I put my hair in a ponytail so it's not so messy. Ethan smiles at me. I just look at him and slightly smile. I walk into the kitchen to see what he's making. "Pancakes sounds good?" I nod. There was a knock at the door. Ethan goes and opens the door. "Jessica get the hell home now" my aunt said yelling at me from the front door. Great I stand up all walk home. Before I make it out the door Ethan grabs my hand. "Text me okay" he whispered in a concerned voice. I nod and go home. I open the front door only to get punched in the lip. I try not to show emotion and go to my room. I go to the bathroom and see my busted lip. I sigh and lay on my bed. My phone goes off Ethan wants  to FaceTime I sigh and answer but don't show my face. "Hey" he said smiling. "Hi" "why aren't you showing your face?" "I'm cleaning" I said hoping he would believe me. "I know that's not true. You're voice gets shaky when you lie" I don't say anything. "Show your face please". "Jessica get your ass down here" I sigh. "Ethan I'll call you later" he nods. I hang up and go downstairs. "Yes" my aunt looks at me square in the face "Where's Andrew?" I shrug "I don't know" Even if I did I'm not gunna telling her. "What do you mean you don't know?" She said pissed. "I don't know where he's at. He's 21 I'm not his babysitter" she gets up from the couch and looks at me. I honestly don't care if she punches me anymore. She can do whatever she wants. I felt a hard slap across my face. I just let it happen. Every punch,kick,slap, everything I just let it happen. I don't care anymore. Once she was done I went up to my room and cried.

It's now 11:30pm I've just been in my room the whole day either cutting or texting Ethan and Grayson. "Jessica?" Andrew yelled opening the door. I get out of bed and go to top of the stairs. "Where were you?" He sighs. "Sorry me and sir dipshit here we're doing dumb stuff" I walk downstairs to see James. Fuck. "You okay?" Andrew said pointing out the new cuts and bruises on my face. I look at James then run to my room. I lay on my bed and start crying.

I hear knocks on my door I don't get up. Andrew opens my door "Jess?" I don't do anything. He sighs. "I have to stop by the store Okay? I'll be right back I love you" he said kissing my forehead walking out of my room closing the door behind me. I sigh and get up and look in the mirror. My eyes puffy new cuts all over my face and a bruise cheek. Suddenly my door slams open. I immediately look at who it is. James just my luck. "Hey there pretty lady" he said grabbing my wrist. "Stop" I said scared. "Stop! Stop! Quit the nagging" He said pushing me on the wall. "Look we can do this the easy or hard way" I don't move. I can't do anything. He pushing me on the bed and straddles me. "Let's have some fun" he said kissing my neck. "No stop!" I yell desperate someone will hear. He slaps my face "stop yelling" I start crying harder. He puts his hand over my mouth. He starts taking off his pants. I scream and start kicking and scramming trying to get away from him. I finally get loose and run out of my room. He yells and runs after me. He picks up a knife and pushing me against the living room wall. He cut me on the cheek. I yell in pain and kick him in the balls.

I run to Ethan's and knock on the door immediately he answered. He looks at me worried and pulls me inside and just hugs me. I cry into his chest which made him hug harder. He pulls away and looks at my face. He makes me sit down on the couch. "Gray!!!" He yelled gray walks out of his room shirt less. "Yea?" He asked confused. "Bring me the first aid kit fast" Ethan looks at me and sighs. Gray runs downstairs and hands Ethan the first aid kit. "Woah what happened?" He asked as he say my face. Ethan gave him a look as in 'now isn't a good time' he nods and walks upstairs. Ethan clean my cuts and hold me. "Do you wanna tell me what happened?" I don't know what to do. Suddenly there's a knock I get scared. Ethan noticed and tells me it's okay. He gets up and cracks open the door. "It's Andrew" I nod and he opens and let's him in. James comes in after I get up and back away. I start getting really scared again. "Woah calm down" Andrew said touching my shoulder. "Yea Jessica calm down" James said crossing his arms. Ethan gave James a dirty look as if he knew he was no good. I start getting more scared. "James can you try and calm her down? I'm gunna go talk to Ethan" my heart begins to pound. He gets close to me and smirks. "Get away from me!" I scream scared. Ethan notices something is right and he's bad news. Ethan pulls James away from me and tells him to stay away. "Woah you guys need to chill. Jess you knew him for a while now why are you getting so antsy around him?" Andrew asked confused.

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