Chapter 19: Information does not come cheap

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The night felt cool, and the October moon swelled in the sky, casting long shadows in Robinson Park's botanical gardens. It gave me a lot of space to move about, though I was wary of the plants. It felt like they were listening and watching me. I saw a flower turn its head as I walked by, I tried to tell myself it was just the breeze--forget that there was definitely no breeze--the night was still as a window in a forgotten building. 

On the right, some plants opened, creating an offside path. I turned off the sidewalk, and the plants closed behind me. I could go nowhere but forward.

I followed the tunnel, feeling a mix of wandering into Wonderland or Narnia, but in a dark Gotham-esque way. The plants watched me more obviously now. It seemed Ivy was stronger than ever, and she wanted me to know it.

I quelled my fear and insecurities. She couldn't know that I was second-guessing this, and that I was starting to feel really stupid for agreeing to this. There was no going back at this point.

She lounged on a throne shaped out of a tree. A grin worked it's way across her mouth when I approached. I stopped just a couple meters in front of her, and resisted the desire to kneel and humbly ask she honor her deal. Instead, I straightened my back and lifted my chin defiantly.

Unfortunately, I couldn't think of anything strong to say, and my voice might've sounded a little shaky anyway, so I waited for her to speak first. I hadn't told my father about this, he would have forbidden it. Ivy was considered a high-risk rogue to engage with. I didn't tell Tim, because he would have followed me or gone in my stead, which I forbade.

"Welcome." Ivy stood and lifted her arms.

"Tell me what you know."

She smirked and walked around me in a circle. "You're a cute one, aren't you?"

I turned to face her, slowly enough to show that I wasn't afraid, but with enough force to make my cape expand and fall. I was going to ask her for the information again, but she exhaled into my face and I had to hold my breath.

She stared at me, waiting. My mouth was folded into a sharp frown, I battled not to open it. My nostrils itched. I could feel pressure building in my chest while my eyes began to water. I finally exhaled in the same slow way she did.

Then I stepped back and breathed in.

"Stubborn, too." She muttered. "What do you want to know?"

I glanced at the plants she was surrounding me with. Ivy was powerful. The only reason Ronny got the advantage over her was because of the chemicals I'd attacked her with. So, why did she agree to sell information to me? From what I saw she was more than capable of getting to Ronny.

I cursed my unsteady heart and poor strategic skills. I'd either walked into a trap, or there was a card she was planning to play and I had something to do with it.

"What's the matter? Can't speak?"

I braced myself and wet my throat so that I'd sound unafraid. "Let's cut the crap."


"You're strong enough to take Ronny out on your own. You didn't bring me here to sell information, you're trying to buy something. What is it?"

She bit her lip and nodded. I felt like a spotlight was suddenly beaming on me, and she was the audience applauding me.

"I like you." She put a hand on her hip and relaxed. "You're right. I could get Ronny on my own, there's just one problem... Batman."

I kept my expression straight. She continued. "He has a habit of intervening with my affairs. I think he gets a little jealous." She laughed. "If I go after Ronny, he'll step in. But, if you give Ronny to me, I'll be done with him before Batman knows what's happened. Understand?"

Justice League And The Hounds Of HellOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora