Chapter 12: Titans East

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"I'm so happy to see you two heading into the Teen Titans." Dick gushed as we pulled up to the tower for Titans East. My dad had called him, and he volunteered to drive us up there himself. 

We had a jet that could have turned the two hour trip into a 20 minute ride, but my brother insisted that we drive and Bruce backed him on that. I think they felt the longer trip would be necessary so that we could talk it over with Nightwing. 

"I mean, here I am, one of the founding members of the Teen Titans, and now I'm actually driving you two to join their ranks. The next generation of Batgirl and Robin. Do you realize how huge this is?" 

"Yes," I nodded, "it's literally all you've been talking about for the past two hours." 

"What I don't understand is," Tim leaned forward, "Why have I never heard of them? I've been Robin for the past five years, and you never mentioned them." 

Dick shrugged. "It's kind of an exclusive, by-invitation only group. They like to fly under the radar--" He gasped. "We're here!" 

He pulled the car over at the top of a cliff overlooking the Atlantic ocean. It was a nice view, but there was nothing else in sight. 

"I don't see anything." I said as we stepped out of the car and heard nothing but the ocean pressing against the cliff below us and felt the wind slapping our faces.

Tim kicked at the dirt. "Is it like Mt. Justice? Are we going to go inside the cliff?"

Nightwing shook his head but he said no words, his eyes were glued to the outline of a woman who seemed to melt right out of the sky. She floated down and landed in front of us, her hair was bright red and her eyes were a striking green color. Tim was also gaping and I knocked my elbow into his rib--not because I was jealous, or anything, but because it's rude to stare at a woman, alien or not, in such a way. 

"Kori," Dick cleared his throat. "I wasn't expecting to see you. You look great by the way." 

"Thank you. I find it necessary to visit the other towers every so often, make sure everything is as it should be." She glanced at us. "This must be Batgirl, and Robin." 

"Pleased to meet you." Tim smiled while I only nodded. 

She grinned at us. "Welcome to Titans East." With the wave of her hand, a huge tower shaped like a T came into view. It had been hidden by some sort of reflective system that projected the images around it to its front, making it invisible. It was pretty awesome to look at, with the sun setting behind us and casting a blanket of orange light on the windows in front of us. Still not as cool as the Watch Tower orbiting the planet, but a really cool and close second that was nice and grounded on the Atlantic coastline. 

She gave us a tour of the facilities. It was identical to all of the other locations, with everything a powered young hero could need: a place to sleep and wash up, a gym, a crime lab, an infirmary with a bio-tech lab attached, an evidence room, a hangar full of high tech toys, a "danger room" full of emergency supplies and bunkers, a basement to store extra supplies, and a submarine launch pad that went straight to the ocean, a monitor room with direct communication to the other Titan Towers and a secure line to the Watch Tower in the sky. 

It was all fine and interesting, but the real kicker was watching my brother make conversation with her throughout the tour, and bring up stories of the original Teen Titans and what they'd done. It was clear that they'd been romantically involved, and it hadn't ended all that great either. She seemed to have moved on more effectively than he had, her eyes flashed with memories when she looked at him, but that was all it was to her, memories. In contrast, Dick stumbled over his words, and he lost some of his relaxed, cool-headed demeanor. 

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