Chapter 2: Person of Interest

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We met at the Batcave to discuss the progress of our cases, brainstorm, and strategize our next moves. Batman was very interested in the identity of the deceased boy and wasted no time using the computer for a background check while Robin muttered everything he could remember.

"There's this guy he's always hanging out with. They're practically connected at the hip, I'm certain he's part of the same gang. I'll follow him around and see what I can learn."

"Excellent." Batman nodded.

"Me, too!"

Batman's sharp no decapitated Robin's eager grin for my proposal.

"You have to focus on your own case."

"I could have closed it weeks ago! It's the Penguin, I know it is."

"Where's your proof?"

He had me there. I lifted my head. "I don't need it." Before he could start his lecture about the court of law, I pressed on. "We act outside of the law all the time! Why do I need to make an entire case for him!?"

He set his jaw and turned to Robin. "Give us a moment."

I bit back the sigh that threatened to expose my annoyance. Tim gave me a grimace and wandered to another part of the cave, out of earshot, to start researching. When Batman was sure he was gone, he took off the cowl and pressed two fingers to the bridge of his nose.

"Like I've said many times before, that's the only way he can be prosecuted." He frowned when I crossed my hands over my chest with a scowl. "You'll be 16 soon, Krystal. Start acting like it."

"How can I do that when you're giving me baby missions?"

"If it's such a baby mission, then why is it taking you so long to close it? I'm not asking you for much. All you need is at least one piece of solid evidence." He held up a finger. "One."

"You're wasting my talents and you know it."

He waited a moment to see if I had anything else to say. Then he took a deep breath. "Might I remind you, you're not as experienced as Tim, Dick or me and the coma you were in last year set your training back months." I lowered my head at the reminder, he stepped closer. "You're very gifted Krystal, but you're not practiced. If you think you're ready to take bigger cases, then prove it to me. Close this one--the right way--and be a team player." When I didn't respond he hitched my chin up with his glove. "Do you know when that's going to happen?"


"When you stop trying to be something you're not and start focusing on what you can bring to the table. Fair?"

I nodded.

Satisfied, he gave me a small grin and rubbed his eyes after a stretch. I knew he was ready to call it a night. "By the way, did you get a chance to finish your homework?"

"Well, Alfred agreed to--"

"Don't tell me you made him do it again."

"I don't make Alfred do anything." I pulled the cowl off and managed the sweetest smile I possibly could. "Anyway, I'm going to bed. I have school tomorrow. Goodnight, Dad."

After I had changed into a silk robe I found Tim waiting for me by the elevator. 

I regarded the suit he was still wearing. "You do remember that there's school tomorrow, right?" 

He nodded absently. "Yeah, yeah. There's just a few things I want to check out." He smiled at my robe. "You heading back up?" 

"Figure that out all by yourself, detective?" 

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