"Oh my god. That is terrible." I laugh out.

"Yeah it was. He puked in my Mercedes two. And I had to clean it up!"He exclaims while chuckling quietly. He pulls out two sandwiches and he unwraps his starting to eat, me doing the same. We start talking and one o'clock is here before we know it.
While we are laughing again in walks Louis. He walks in with his eyebrows raised in shocked.

"Should I come back later orrr?" He asks. I shake my head and get up.

"No no, Rose, don't go. I don't want you to leave yet. I don't want to do business things." Harry whines. Surprising me and Louis.

"But who else will run your business if you don't?" I ask raising my eyebrows. He shrugs, I get up and walk to the door waving at the two. Louis pulling out multiple files from a briefcase. Harry sighing and rubbing his temples.

I walk over to Danny's office. He is also on the phone and he ends it a little after I walk in. He looks up at me raising an eyebrow.

"Danny I want to go home. My feet hurt. You should rub them."I whine.

"What the hell. No, I am not your servant." He says pushing my feet off his desk as his nose scrunches up. Danny really hates feet so I know asking him that would cause that reaction.

"Ugh whatever. I will leave you now. So you can go back to your boring work." I get up and leave him calling out a goodbye as I leave. Me waving back instead of replying.

I get in to my office to go back to answering peoples phone calls asking for a meeting with Mr.Styles. I turn most of them down. Harry gave me specific instructions on who to ignore and turn down and who to give a chance.

The rest of the day flew by. I leave with Danny like usual. Him stopping by Alissa's desk like usual. We go home and I shower and change. I feel my phone ding from beside me and I go and pick it up.

Had a wonderful time at lunch today. We should do it again sometime when I am free. I will be pretty busy these upcoming weeks, so I apologize. -CEO Harry Styles

That is fine. I understand you are a very wanted man Mr.Styles. And lunch was very lovely today. I don't remember the last time I laughed like that.

We continue talking till around midnight. My eyes about pop out of my head when I realize the time.

I am afraid I have to go to bed. My boss is an asshole and makes me get up early.

Hey I heard your boss was a very wonderful, handsome, lovely, funny, I could go on, man. Sweet dreams Rose;)-CEO Harry Styles

I smile and shut off my phone plugging it in. I drift off and thankfully I don't have another nightmare.

(October 13)
The following two weeks are the same. Me and Harry eating lunch everyday. We either eat out or one of us bring in something for the other to try.

We have plans for this weekend and I am very excited. I am gonna go to his house and he's gonna make me dinner that will "blow me away." I already have my outfit picked out and I have an idea with what I want do with my hair. I feel like I'm a little girl again. But hey I am only twenty one years old and Harry is only twenty two, we are still quite young.

Recently Alissa has been coming over a lot after work. I don't mind she is a very sweet girl. I learned that she is from Australia, she has three brothers, her being the only girl, and she loves The Rolling Stones. Tonight she is coming over, her and Danny are gonna make me a homemade pizza. 

Me and Danny are on our way home. Singing along to the radio as "call out my name" by The Weeknd. Once the song is over we laugh and trash one another's singing.

"Well you are absolute arse. Your voice sounds like nails on a chalkboard." He tells me laughing while I laugh to. We are now parked still trashing each other. I scoff and try thinking of a remark but I come out with nothing.

"Alright I got nothing." I say he gives himself a high five and says "ha-ha." I scoff and roll my eyes. We make our way upstairs and as we are walking down the hallway I see someone outside our door. I can notice that curly head of hair anywhere.

"Harry?" I question. He turns around smiling at me. With a singular rose in his hand.

Hope you guys enjoyed
Till next time,

Edited August 14, 2019

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